
Scientific Publication

Participatory verification of effect of local organic materials on yield and profitability of new bean varieties by Katosi Women Farmer Group in Mukono District

Kankwatsa, Peace; Mullindwa, J.; Delve, Robert J. 2007. Participatory verification of effect of local organic materials on yield and profitability of new bean varieties by Katosi Women Farmer Group in Mukono District [abstract] [online]. In: Bationo, André; Okeyo, Jeremiah M.; Waswa, Boaz S.; Mapfumo, Paul; Maina, Fredah; Kihara, Job (eds.). Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: Exploring the scientific facts: Abstracts: Symposium [online]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Nairobi, KE. p. 183.
Poster / Presentation

Towards a more inclusive dairy development in Tanzania

ILRI. 2013. Towards a more inclusive dairy development in Tanzania. Poster prepared for the National dairy stakeholders’ meeting, Blue Pearl Hotel, Dar es Salaam, 22 February 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
A gendered analysis of constraints to cattle production in Ijara Kenya
Poster / Presentation

A gendered analysis of constraints to cattle production in Ijara Kenya

Ndanyi, M.R., Kairu-Wanyoike, S.W., Waithanji, E.M., Nyikal, R.A., Kitala, P., Wesonga, H.O. and Sanginga, P. 2013. A gendered analysis of constraints to cattle production in Ijara Kenya. Poster prepared for the ASARECA General Assembly and Scientific Conference, Bujumbura, Burundi, 9-13 December 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: University of Nairobi.
Scientific Publication

Local empowerment and irrigation devolution in Ethiopia

Bekele, Rahel Deribe; Mekonnen, Dawit, 'Local empowerment and irrigation devolution in Ethiopia', International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 38(6), pp. 1062-1088, Informa UK Limited, 2022