
Scientific Publication

Contributions of peak sediment events to annual loads and the effects of best management practices on peak loads in the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands: the Debre Mawi watershed [Abstract only]

Dagnew, D. C.; Guzman, C. D.; Tebebu, T. Y.; Zegeye, A. D.; Akal, A. T.; Mekuria, Wolde M.; Ayana, E. K.; Tilahun, S. A.; Steenhuis, T. S. 2015. Contributions of peak sediment events to annual loads and the effects of best management practices on peak loads in the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands: the Debre Mawi watershed [Abstract only] In Nyssen J., Enyew A., Poesen J et al. (Eds.). International Conference on Tropical Lakes in a Changing Environment: Water, Land, Biology, Climate and Humans (TropiLakes), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 23-29 September 2015. Book of Abstracts. Bahir Dar, Ethiopia: Bahir Dar University. pp.94.
Scientific Publication

The contribution of draught animal power to sustainable livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa: an example from Zimbabwe. 8 pp. Paper to World Association for Transport Animal Welfare and Studies (TAWS) Workshop 'Animal traction, health and technology, the role of draught and pack animals in the 21st Century'

O'Neill, D..; Ellis-Jones, J., 'The contribution of draught animal power to sustainable livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa: an example from Zimbabwe. 8 pp. Paper to World Association for Transport Animal Welfare and Studies (TAWS) Workshop 'Animal traction, health and technology, the role of draught and pack animals in the 21st Century'', 2001
Scientific Publication

Safety, Acceptability and Adherence of Dapivirine Vaginal Ring in a Microbicide Clinical Trial Conducted in Multiple Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nel, A.; Bekker, L.G.; Bukusi, E.; Hellstrom, E.; Kotze, P.; Louw, C.; Martinson, F.; Masenga, G.; Montgomery, E.; Ndaba, N.; van der Straten, A.; van Niekerk, N.; Woodsong, C. Safety, Acceptability and Adherence of Dapivirine Vaginal Ring in a Microbicide Clinical Trial Conducted in Multiple Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS ONE (2016) 11 (3) e0147743. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147743)
Scientific Publication

Elephants Abroad and in the Room

Hopwood, J. Elephants Abroad and in the Room: explicit and implicit security, justice and protection issues on the Uganda/South Sudan border. Justice and Security Research Programme, International Development Department, LSE, London, UK (2015) 35 pp. (JSRP Paper 22)
Scientific Publication

The effects of home-based HIV counseling and testing on HIV/AIDS stigma among individuals and community leaders in western Kenya: evidence from a cluster randomized trial

Low, C.; Pop-Eleches, C.; Rono, W.; Plous, E.; Kirk, A.; Ndege, S.; Goldstein, M.; Thirumurthy, H. The effects of home-based HIV counseling and testing on HIV/AIDS stigma among individuals and community leaders in western Kenya: Evidence from a cluster-randomized trial. AIDS Care (2013) 25 (sup1) 97-107. Supplement 1. (DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2012.748879)
Scientific Publication

Introduction of β-Carotene–Rich Orange Sweet Potato in Rural Uganda Results in Increased Vitamin A Intakes among Children and Women and Improved Vitamin A Status among Children

Hotz, C.; Loechl, C.; Lubowa, A.; Tumwine, J.K.; Ndeezi, G.; Masawi, A.N.; Baingana, R.; Carriquiry, A.; de Brauw, A.; Meenakshi, J.V.; Gilligan, D.O. Introduction of  -Carotene-Rich Orange Sweet Potato in Rural Uganda Results in Increased Vitamin A Intakes among Children and Women and Improved Vitamin A Status among Children. Journal of Nutrition (2012) : (DOI: 10.3945/jn.111.151829)
Report / Case study

Climate Systems Regional Report: Southern Africa

Tadross, M.; Johnston, P. Climate Systems Regional Report: Southern Africa. ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability – Africa, Cape Town, South Africa (2012) 45 pp. ISBN 978-0-9921794-6-5 (Annex 29 from 'Adaptation to Climate Change: Stakeholder engagement and understanding impacts - International Council for Local Environment Initiatives (ICLEI))
Report / Case study

Wellbeing Pathways Report: Zambia Round 1

White, S.C.; Gaines, S.O.; Jha, S.; Marshall, N.; Graveling, E. Wellbeing Pathways Report: Zambia Round 1. University of Bath, Bath, UK (2012) 44 pp