
Periodical / Magazine

Meat: Health vs. wealth

Fritschel, Heidi, 'Meat: Health vs. wealth', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2012
Book / Monograph

2014-2015 Global food policy report

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), '2014-2015 Global food policy report', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2015
Scientific Publication

A tale of two countries

You, Liangzhi, 'A tale of two countries', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2008
Working Paper

Labor Market Vulnerability in Urban China

Cai Fang; Du Yang; Qu Yue. Labor Market Vulnerability in Urban China. Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IPLE-CASS), Beijing, China (2012) 30 pp
Scientific Publication

Blunt to sharpened razor

Zhang, Xiaobo; Tan, Kong-Yam, 'Blunt to sharpened razor', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2004
Scientific Publication

Does Guanxi matter to nonfarm employment?

Zhang, Xiaobo; Li, Guo, 'Does Guanxi matter to nonfarm employment?', Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 31(2), pp. 315-331, Elsevier BV, 2003
Scientific Publication

Irrigation intervention: a strategy for conserving bio-diversity and improving food security in Royal Chitwan national park bufferzone, Nepal

Adhikari, K. R.; Pant, D. 2003. Irrigation intervention: a strategy for conserving bio-diversity and improving food security in Royal Chitwan national park bufferzone, Nepal. In ICID Asian Regional Workshop, Sustainable Development of Water Resources and Management and Operation of Participatory Irrigation Organizations, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 10-12, November , 2003, . Vol.1. Taipei, Taiwan: ICID. pp.74-89.
Scientific Publication

Work, education and out-migration among children and youth in upland Asia: changing patterns of labour and ecological knowledge in an era of globalisation

Punch, S.; Sugden, Fraser. 2013. Work, education and out-migration among children and youth in upland Asia: changing patterns of labour and ecological knowledge in an era of globalisation. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, Special Issue. 18(3):255-270. doi: