
Seed Info No. 37

Seed Info No. 37

Zewdie Bishaw. (23/8/2009). Seed Info No. 37. Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Scientific Publication

Is knowledge regarding tuberculosis associated with stigmatising and discriminating attitudes of general population towards tuberculosis patients? Findings from a community based survey in 30 districts of India

Sagili KD, Satyanarayana S, Chadha SS (2016) Is Knowledge Regarding Tuberculosis Associated with Stigmatising and Discriminating Attitudes of General Population towards Tuberculosis Patients? Findings from a Community Based Survey in 30 Districts of India. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147274.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147274
Dataset / Tabular

27th Semi-Arid Wheat Yield Trial: 27th SAWYT Cycle 2019

Global Wheat Program; IWIN Collaborators; Singh, Ravi; Payne, Thomas, 2020, "27th Semi-Arid Wheat Yield Trial",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V4
Magazine or Press item

The role of food aid

CTA. 1992. The role of food aid. Spore 37. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Report / Case study

Linking Business Environment Reform with Gender and Inclusion

Saha, A., Thorpe, J., Macdonald, K. & Megersa, K. (2021). Linking business environment reform with gender and inclusion: A study of business licensing reform in Indonesia. K4D Emerging Issues Report No. 39. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. DOI: 10.19088/K4D.2021.001
Working Paper

Time to ship during financial crises

Berman, N.; de Sousa, J.; Martin, P.; Mayer, T. Time to ship during financial crises. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge, MA, USA (2012) 38 pp. (NBER Working Paper 18274)