
Toward structural change: Gender transformative approaches
Scientific Publication

Toward structural change: Gender transformative approaches

C. McDougall et al., 'Toward structural change: Gender transformative approaches', McDougall, C. et al. (2020). Toward Structural Change: Gender Transformative Approaches. In: Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: past, present and future. CGIAR Gender Platform and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). pp. 215-251, CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, 2020
Scientific Publication

Gender participation in tree germplasm flow

A.N Muchugi, 'Gender participation in tree germplasm flow', In: Catacutan, D., McGaw, E. and Llanza, M.A. (eds.) In equal measure: a user guide to gender analysis in agroforestry. Laguna: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), pp.7-12, 2014