
Scientific Publication

Ancient human agricultural practices can promote activities of contemporary non-human soil ecosystem engineers : A case study in coastal savannas of French Guiana

Renard, Delphine; Birk, Jago Jonathan; Zangerle, Anne; Lavelle, Patrick; Glaser, Bruno; Blatrix, Rumsais; McKey, Doyle. 2013. Ancient human agricultural practices can promote activities of contemporary non-human soil ecosystem engineers: a case study in coastal savannas of French Guiana. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 62: 46-56.
Scientific Publication

New disciplines for domestic support

Glauber, Joseph; Laborde Debucquet, David; Pineiro, Valeria, 'New disciplines for domestic support', In The road to the WTO twelfth Ministerial Conference: A Latin American and Caribbean perspective, eds. Valeria Piñeiro, Adriana Campos, and Martín Piñeiro. Topics discussed at the WTO agricultural committee going into the MC12, Pp. 29-41, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
Scientific Publication

Expanding the genetic base of cassava in Africa: progress and prospects

Okogbenin, E., Porto, M., Dixon, A. & Ekanayake, I. (1994). Expanding the genetic base of cassava in Africa: progress and prospects. In Proceedings of the tenth symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Salvador, 23-29 October, 1994. Salvador, Brazil: (p.1-10).
Book / Monograph

Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases of bananas: present status and outlook

Jacome, L., Lepoivre, P., Marin, D., Ortiz, R., Romero, R. & Escalant, J.(Eds.). (2003). Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases of bananas: present status and outlook, Bioversity International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, 20-23 May, Montpellier, France: IITA (p. 7-308)
Scientific Publication

Is Indonesian peatland loss a cautionary tale for Peru? A two-country comparison of the magnitude and causes of tropical peatland degradation

Lilleskov, E.A., McCullough, K., Hergoualc'h, K., del Castillo Torres, D., Chimmer, R., Murdiyarso, D., Kolka, R., Bourgeau-Chavez, L., Hribljan, J., del Aguila Pasquel, J., Wayson, C. 2019. Is Indonesian peatland loss a cautionary tale for Peru? A two-country comparison of the magnitude and causes of tropical peatland degradation. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24(4): 591-623.
Scientific Publication

Simulacion hidrologica de la microcuenca del Rio El Cubo con el uso de sistemas de informacion geograficos. In Spanish

Flores Lopez, F. J.; Scott, C. A. 2000. Simulacion hidrologica de la microcuenca del Rio El Cubo con el uso de sistemas de informacion geograficos. In Spanish. In Scott, C. A.; Wester, P.; Maranon-Pimental, B. (Eds.). Asignacion, productividad y manejo de recursos hidricos en cuencas: memorias del Seminario Internacional Asignacion, Manejo y Productividad de los Recursos Hidricos en Cuencas, 7-9 Mayo 2000. In Spanish. Mexico, DF., Mexico: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.109-121. (IWMI Serie Latinoamericana 020)