
Getting beneath the surface in program planning, monitoring and evaluation: Learning from use of participatory action research and theory of change in the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems
Scientific Publication

Getting beneath the surface in program planning, monitoring and evaluation: Learning from use of participatory action research and theory of change in the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems

Apgar, J.M. et al. (2016). Getting beneath the surface in program planning, monitoring and evaluation: Learning from use of participatory action research and theory of change in the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Action Research, online first 26 Oct
Tinker, tailor or transform: Gender equality amidst social-ecological change
Scientific Publication

Tinker, tailor or transform: Gender equality amidst social-ecological change

Sarah Lawless, Philippa J. Cohen, Cynthia McDougall, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Andrew M. Song, Tiffany H. Morrison, Tinker, tailor or transform: Gender equality amidst social-ecological change, Global Environmental Change, Volume 72, 2022, 102434, ISSN 0959-3780,
Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to ‘Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide’ and other guides for community-based resource management
Working Paper

Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to ‘Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide’ and other guides for community-based resource management

Kleiber, D. et al. (2019). Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to ‘Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide’ and other guides for community-based resource management. Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin, 30: 34-39
Towards Ocean Equity
Working Paper

Towards Ocean Equity

Österblom, H. Wabnitz, C. C. C. Tladi, D. et al. (2020). Towards Ocean Equity. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available online at