
Scientific Publication

Negotiating more than boundaries in Indonesia

Anau, N., Iwan, R., van Heist, M., Limberg, G., Sudana, M., Wollenberg, E. 2005. Negotiating more than boundaries in Indonesia . In: Colfer, C.J.P. (ed.). The equitable forest: diversity, community and resource management. :19-41. Washington, DC, Resources for the Future and CIFOR. ISBN: 1-891853-78-3..
Scientific Publication

Carbon emissions from land cover change in Central Vietnam

Avitabile, V., Schultz, M., Herold, N., de Bruin, S., Pratihast, A.K., Cuong, P.M., Hien, V.Q., Herold, M.. 2016. Carbon emissions from land cover change in Central Vietnam Carbon Management, 7 (5-6) : 333-346.
Dataset / Tabular

Burned Area and Vegetation Cover Prior Fire

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2014, "Burned Area and Vegetation Cover Prior Fire",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1
Dataset / Tabular

REDD+ Country Profiles Indicators

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2021, "REDD+ Country Profiles Indicators",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V3
Scientific Publication

“Alert-Audit-Act”: assessment of surveillance and response strategy for malaria elimination

Kyaw AMM, Kathirvel S, Das M, Thapa B, Linn NYY, Maung TM, Lin Z, Thi A. “Alert-Audit-Act”: assessment of surveillance and response strategy for malaria elimination in three low-endemic settings of Myanmar in 2016. Trop. Med. Health (Internet). Tropical Medicine and Health; 2018;46:11. Available from: