
Scientific Publication

Ecosystem benefits of ?bright? spots

Bossio, Deborah; Noble, Andrew D.; Aloysius, Noel; Pretty, J.; Penning de Vries, F. 2008. Ecosystem benefits of �bright� spots. In Bossio, Deborah; Geheb, Kim (Eds.). Conserving land, protecting water. Wallingford, UK: CABI; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food. pp.205-224. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series 6)
Scientific Publication

Farm-level effects of irrigation system design and operation problems

Tabbal, D. F.; Bhuiyan, S. I.; Murray-Rust, D. H. 1986. Farm-level effects of irrigation system design and operation problems. In Hydraulics Research Limited, IIMI, Overseas Development Administration, and Sri Lanka, Irrigation Department, Irrigation Design for Management - Asian Regional Symposium, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 16-18 February 1987 (pp. 1-20). Wallingford, UK: Hydraulics Research Limited.

Integrating fisheries into irrigation planning and management: protecting and enhancing fisheries in irrigated areas

International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Global Water Partnership (GWP). 2005. Integrating fisheries into irrigation planning and management: protecting and enhancing fisheries in irrigated areas. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Global Water Partnership (GWP) Advisory Center at IWMI. 6p. (IWMI Water Policy Briefing 012) doi:
Scientific Publication

Socioeconomic conditions in the five river basins

Samad, M. 2002. Socioeconomic conditions in the five river basins. In Bruns, B.; Bandaragoda, D. J.; Samad, M. (Eds.). Integrated water-resources management in a river basin context: Institutional strategies for improving the productivity of agricultural water management. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Malang, Indonesia, 15-19 January 2001. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.43-53.
Book / Monograph

Summaries of papers presented at the IRMU seminar series

Haq, K. A.; Samarasekera, B. M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Summaries of papers presented at the IRMU seminar series. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). SLNP; Sri Lanka, Irrigation Department. IRMU. v, 23p.