
Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin

Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin

Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Muthuwatta, Lal; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Surinaidu, Lagudu; Natarajan, R.; Chinnasamy, Pennan; Kakumanu, Krishna Reddy; Prathapar, Sanmugam A.; Jain, S. K.; Ghosh, N. C.; Singh, S.; Sharma, A.; Jain, S. K.; Kumar, S.; Goel, M. K. 2016. Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 42p. (IWMI Research Report 167) doi: 10.5337/2016.212
Training Material

Nayakathwaya ha mudal paripalana pilibanda govi niyojithayan sandaha vu puhunu patamalawa, 1998 Juli 23-26, Mahailluppallama. In SinhaleseTraining course for farmer representatives in leadership and finance management, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka, 23-26 July 1998

International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). Sri Lanka National Program (SLNP), Shared Control of Natural Resources (SCOR) Project. 1998. Nayakathwaya ha mudal paripalana pilibanda govi niyojithayan sandaha vu puhunu patamalawa, 1998 Juli 23-26, Mahailluppallama. In Sinhalese. [Training course for farmer representatives in leadership and finance management, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka, 23-26 July 1998] Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). Sri Lanka National Program (SLNP). 54p.
Book / Monograph

Study on management and costs of operation and maintenance of irrigation systems under the Irrigation Department, Sri Lanka - Final report. Vol. 2 - Appendices and maps. Report submitted to International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Sri Lanka filed operations by Consultants in Technology Management and Development Studies (TEAMS).

Consultants in Technology Management and Development Studies (TEAMS). 1991. Study on management and costs of operation and maintenance of irrigation systems under the Irrigation Department, Sri Lanka - Final report. Vol. 2 - Appendices and maps. Report submitted to International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Sri Lanka filed operations by Consultants in Technology Management and Development Studies (TEAMS). Colombo, Sri Lanka: Consultants in Technology Management and Development Studies (TEAMS). 94p.
Book / Monograph

Irrigation management and crop diversification (Sri Lanka). Vol. 1- Synthesis of findings and recommendations Kirindi Oya and Uda Walawe Projects - Vol. 2 - Kirindi Oya Project - Vol. 3 - Uda Walawe Project

IIMI. 1990. Irrigation management and crop diversification (Sri Lanka). Vol. 1- Synthesis of findings and recommendations Kirindi Oya and Uda Walawe Projects - Vol. 2 - Kirindi Oya Project - Vol. 3 - Uda Walawe Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). 51p.;186p.
Scientific Publication

Use of a simulation model as part of a management information system to improve the operations on an irrigation canal in Southern Sri Lanka

Rey, J. 1992. Use of a simulation model as part of a management information system to improve the operations on an irrigation canal in Southern Sri Lanka. In International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). Advancements in IIMI's research 1992: a selection of papers presented at the Internal Program Review. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). pp.209-231.
Scientific Publication

Wetland dynamics: Links with spatial, ecological and socio-economic related issues in the western coastal belt of Sri Lanka

Nagabhatla, Nidhi; Finlayson, Max; Senaratna Sellamuttu, Sonali; Zomer, Robert; Diphoorn, Luuk. 2006. Wetland dynamics: Links with spatial, ecological and socio-economic related issues in the western coastal belt of Sri Lanka. In Ninth Biennial Conference of The International Society for Ecological Economics "Ecological Sustainability and Human Well-being", held at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, 16-18 December 2006. New Delhi, India: Indian Society for Ecological Economics. (E-proceedings) 16p.
Scientific Publication

Water resources and irrigation development

Inocencio, Arlene B.; Barker, Randolph. 2006. Water resources and irrigation development. In Balisacan, A. M.; Sebastian, L. S. Securing rice, reducing poverty: Challenges and policy directions. Los Banos, Philippines: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) pp.71-105.
Scientific Publication

Economics and soil conservation on sloping lands: Nine hypotheses for MSEC Project implementation and research

Giordano, Mark. 2003. Economics and soil conservation on sloping lands: Nine hypotheses for MSEC Project implementation and research. In Maglinao, Amado R.; Valentin, Christian; Penning de Vries, Frits (Eds.). From soil research to land and water management: Harmonizing people and nature � Proceedings of the IWMI-ADB Project Annual Meeting and 7th MSEC Assembly. Bangkok, Thailand: IWMI. pp.227-238.
Scientific Publication

Tank cascade systems in Sri Lanka: Some thoughts on their development implications

Madduma Bandara, C. M. 1995. Tank cascade systems in Sri Lanka: Some thoughts on their development implications. In Haq, K. A.; Wijayaratne, C. M.; Samarasekera, B. M. S. (Eds.), Summaries of papers presented at Irrigation Research Management Unit seminar series during 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.14.
Scientific Publication

Evaluation of the PASTEN Irrigation Water Allocation System in Indonesia

Kelley, T.; Johnson, S. H. III. 1990. Evaluation of the PASTEN Irrigation Water Allocation System in Indonesia. In Sampath, R. K.; Young, R. A. (Eds.) Social, economic and institutional issues in Third World irrigation management. Boulder, Colorado, USA: Westview Press. pp.341-366.
Scientific Publication

Small tank settlements in Sri Lanka

Jyothi, V.; Panabokke, Christopher Rajandra. 2004. Small tank settlements in Sri Lanka. In Aheeyar, M. M. M. (Ed.), Small tank settlements in Sri Lanka: proceedings of a symposium, 21 August 2004. Colombo, Sri Lanka: HARTI. pp.56-68.