
Scientific Publication

Championing nutrition: Effective leadership for action

Nisbett, Nicholas et al., 'Championing nutrition: Effective leadership for action', In Nourishing millions: Stories of change in nutrition. Ch. 18 Pp. 161-172, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016
Scientific Publication

Local to national: Thailand’s Integrated Nutrition Program

Gillespie, Stuart; Tontisirin, Krasisid; Zseleczky, Laura, 'Local to national: Thailand’s Integrated Nutrition Program', In Nourishing millions: Stories of change in nutrition. Ch. 10 Pp. 91-98, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016
Scientific Publication

On the fast track: Driving down stunting in Vietnam

Keefe, Meagan, 'On the fast track: Driving down stunting in Vietnam', In Nourishing millions: Stories of change in nutrition. Ch. 15 Pp. 133-137, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016
Book / Monograph

Índice Global del Hambre de 2009

von Grebmer, K et al., 'Índice Global del Hambre de 2009', Welthungerhilfe; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Concern Worldwide, Bonn, Germany; Washington, D.C.; Dublin, Ireland, 2009
Scientific Publication

What Inequality Means for Children: Evidence from Young Lives

Woodhead, M.; Dornan, P.; Murray, H. What Inequality Means for Children: Evidence from Young Lives. Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2013) 68 pp. ISBN 978-1-909403-05-5
Climate risk management and rural poverty reduction
Scientific Publication

Climate risk management and rural poverty reduction

Hansen JW, Hellin J, Rosenstock T, Fisher E, Cairns J, Stirling C, Lamanna C, van Etten J, Rose A, Campbell B. 2019. Climate risk management and rural poverty reduction. Agricultural Systems 172:28-46.
Report / Case study

Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Case study: Lesotho

Kardan, A., O’Brien, C. and Masasa, M. (2017), ‘Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems research: Case study—Lesotho’, Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK. Kardan A. and O’Brien, C. (2017) ‘Building on social protection systems for effective disaster response: the Lesotho experience’. Policy Brief. Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK