
Scientific Publication

The Novel TB Vaccine, AERAS-402, Induces Robust and Pulyfunctional CD4 and CD8 T Cells in Adults

Abel, B.; Tameris, M.; Mansoor, N.; Gelderbloem, S.; Hughes, J.; Abrahams, D.; Makhethe, L.; Erasmus, M.; de Kock, M.; van der Merwe, L.; Hawkridge, A.; Veldsman, A.; Hatherill, M.; Schirru, G.; Pau, M.G.; Hendriks, J.; Weverling, G.J.; Goudsmit, J.; Sizemore, D.; McClain, J.B.; Goetz, M.; Gearhart, J.; Mahomed, H.; Hussey, G.D.; Sadoff, J.C.; Hanekom, W.A. The Novel Tuberculosis Vaccine, AERAS-402, Induces Robust and Polyfunctional CD4+and CD8+T Cells in Adults. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2010) 181 (12) 1407-1417. (DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200910-1484OC)
Scientific Publication

Water and rights: state management in South Africa and India

Mehta, L.; Thompson, L.; Nleya, N. Water and rights: state management in South Africa and India. In: Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South.. Zed Books, London, UK (2010) ISBN 9781848133884
Dataset / Tabular

Genetic data and the linkage map of Seri/Babax population

Liu, Caiyun; Sukumaran, Sivakumar; Reynolds, Matthew, 2019, "Genetic data and the linkage map of Seri/Babax population",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1

Intestinal worms in goats

CTA. 2004. Intestinal worms in goats. Rural Radio Resource Pack 04/03. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.

For the poor or the poorest?

CTA. 2001. For the poor or the poorest?. Rural Radio Resource Pack 01/3. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
PABRA Greater Focus on Outcomes 2011
Poster / Presentation

PABRA Greater Focus on Outcomes 2011

Muthoni Andriatsitohaina, Rachel. (2011). PABRA Greater Focus on Outcomes 2011. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance - PABRA. 28 p.
Scientific Publication

Managing water supply and demand in southern Africa

Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Rosegrant, Mark, 'Managing water supply and demand in southern Africa', In Achieving food security in southern Africa. Haddad, Lawrence James (Ed.) Chapter 7 Pp.203-225, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 1997
Unanswered questions and unquestioned answers: the challenges of crop residue retention and weed control in Conservation Agriculture systems of southern Africa
Scientific Publication

Unanswered questions and unquestioned answers: the challenges of crop residue retention and weed control in Conservation Agriculture systems of southern Africa

Thierfelder, C., Mhlanga, B., Ngoma, H., Marenya, P., Matin, A., Tufa, A., Alene, A., & Chikoye, D. (2024). Unanswered questions and unquestioned answers: the challenges of crop residue retention and weed control in Conservation Agriculture systems of southern Africa. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 39.

Trends and Outlook: Agricultural Water Management in southern Africa. Country report - Malawi. [Project report submitted to United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Feed the Future Program].

Kumwenda, Ian; van Koppen, Barbara; Matete, Mampiti; Nhamo, Luxon. 2015. Trends and Outlook: Agricultural Water Management in southern Africa. Country report - Malawi. [Project report submitted to United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Feed the Future Program]. Pretoria, South Africa: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 52p.
Influence of innovation platforms on information sharing and nurturing of smaller innovation platforms: A case study of the Tanzania Dairy Development Forum
Poster / Presentation

Influence of innovation platforms on information sharing and nurturing of smaller innovation platforms: A case study of the Tanzania Dairy Development Forum

Kago, K.M., Cadilhon, J.-J., Maina, M. and Omore, A. 2015. Influence of innovation platforms on information sharing and nurturing of smaller innovation platforms: A case study of the Tanzania Dairy Development Forum. Presented at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Milan, Italy, 9-14 August 2015. Egerton, Kenya: Egerton University.
Scientific Publication

Conclusion [in 2022 Annual trends and outlook report: Agrifood processing strategies for successful food systems transformation in Africa]

Jenane, Chakib; Ulimwengu, John; Tadesse, Getaw, 'Conclusion [in 2022 Annual trends and outlook report: Agrifood processing strategies for successful food systems transformation in Africa]', In 2022 Annual trends and outlook report: Agrifood processing strategies for successful food systems transformation in Africa, eds. Chakib Jenane, John M. Ulimwengu, and Getaw Tadesse. Chapter 10, Pp. 137-139, AKADEMIYA2063; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Kigali, Rwanda; Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Need in a land of plenty

Ulimwengu, John; Randriamamonjy, Josee; Roberts, Cleo, 'Need in a land of plenty', D+C Development and Cooperation 4: 148, Frankfurter Societäts-Medien Gmbh, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2013
Scientific Publication

Irrigated areas

Siebert, Stefan; Frenken, Karen, 'Irrigated areas', In Atlas of African agriculture research and development: Revealing agriculture's place in Africa. Sebastian, Kate, Ed. Pp. 18-19, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2014

Zambia country brief

Harris, Jody et al., 'Zambia country brief', Transform Nutrition, Brighton, UK, 2016