
Scientific Publication

Contract farming and farm performance: Evidence from brinjal cultivation in Bangladesh

Kumar, Anjani et al., 'Contract farming and farm performance: Evidence from brinjal cultivation in Bangladesh', In Transforming Agriculture in South Asia: The Role of Value Chains and Contract Farming, eds. Ashok K. Mishra, Anjani Kumar, and Pramod K. Joshi. Part Two: Case Studies in Contract Farming, Chapter 11, Pp. 177-194, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxford, UK, 2021

Watershed Development Department, Government of Karnataka (World Bank Funded) Sujala –III Project

Rajendra Hegde, Ramesh Kumar, S.C., K.V. Niranjana, S. Srinivas, M.Lalitha, B.A. Dhanorkar, R.S. Reddy and S.K. Singh (2019). “Land Resource Inventory and socioeconomic status of farm households for Watershed Planning and Development of Chennahalu-1 (4D4A1R2b) Microwatershed, Koppal Taluk and District, Karnataka”, ICARNBSS& LUP Sujala MWS Publ. 558, ICAR – NBSS & LUP, RC, Bangalore. p.149 & 26
Scientific Publication

Escaping and Falling into Poverty in India Today

Thorat A, Vanneman R, Desai S, Dubey A. (2017) Escaping and Falling into Poverty in India Today. World Development. 2017 May;93 413-426. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.01.004. P

Small Scale Irrigation: Politics and Moralities

Elizabeth Harrison (2015) Innovations to Promote Growth Among Small Scale Irrigators: An Ethnographic and Knowledge-Exchange Approach. University of Sussex School of Global Studies Research Briefing Elizabeth Harrison Canford Chiroro (2015) Innovations to Promote Growth Among Small Scale Irrigators: briefing note 1. University of Sussex School of Global Studies Elizabeth Harrison Canford Chiroro (2015) Innovations to Promote Growth Among Small Scale Irrigators: briefing note 2. University of Sussex School of Global Studies Elizabeth Harrison Canford Chiroro (2016) Small-scale irrigation in Malawi: challenges and opportunities.University of Sussex School of Global Studies Research Briefing Elizabeth Harrison Canford Chiroro. (2016) Innovation in small-scale irrigation: formality, scale and sustainability. Policy Brief