
Scientific Publication

Bridging the gaps among research, policy and practice in ten low- and middle-income countries: development and testing of a questionnaire for health-care providers

Guindon, G.E.; Lavis, J.N.; Boupha, B.; Shi, G.; Sidibe, M.; Turdaliyeva, B. Bridging the gaps among research, policy and practice in ten low- and middle-income countries: development and testing of a questionnaire for health-care providers. Health Research Policy and Systems (2010) 8 (1) 3. (DOI: 10.1186/1478-4505-8-3)
Scientific Publication

Combination therapy for visceral leishmaniasis

van Griensven, J.; Balasegaram, M.; Meheus, F.; Alvar, J.; Lynen, L.; Boelaert, M. Combination therapy for visceral leishmaniasis. Lancet Infectious Diseases (2010) 10 (3) 184-194. (DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70011-6)
Scientific Publication

Assets and poverty traps in rural Bangladesh

Quisumbing, Agnes; Baulch, Robert, 'Assets and poverty traps in rural Bangladesh', Journal of Development Studies, vol. 49(7), pp. 898-916, Informa UK Limited, 2013

Innovations in groundwater recharge

International Water Management Institute, IWMI-TATA Water Policy Program. 2002. Innovations in groundwater recharge. Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 6p. (IWMI Water Policy Briefing 001) doi:

Building high-performance knowledge institutions for water management

International Water Management Institute, IWMI-TATA Water Policy Program. 2003. Building high-performance knowledge institutions for water management. Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 6p. (IWMI Water Policy Briefing 005) doi:
Scientific Publication

Using the seemingly uninteresting African transboundary water law database to derive surprisingly interesting water policy lessons

Giordano, Mark; Lautze, J. 2008. Using the seemingly uninteresting African transboundary water law database to derive surprisingly interesting water policy lessons. In Humphreys, E.; Bayot, R. S.; van Brakel, M.; Gichuki, F.; Svendsen, M.; Wester, P.; Huber-Lee, A.; Cook, S. Douthwaite, B.; Hoanh, Chu Thai; Johnson, N.; Nguyen-Khoa, Sophie; Vidal, A.; MacIntyre, I.; MacIntyre, R. (Eds.). Fighting poverty through sustainable water use: proceedings of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, 2nd International Forum on Water and Food, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-14 November 2008. Vol.1. Keynotes; Cross-cutting topics. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. pp.11-15.
Scientific Publication

Small-scale irrigation: is this the future?

Facon, T.; Mukherji, Aditi. 2010. Small-scale irrigation: is this the future? Paper presented at the Water Crisis and Choices, ADB and Partners Conference, ADB HQ, Manila, Philippines, 11-15 October 2010. 43p.
Scientific Publication

Hydrological and environmental issues of inter-basin water transfers in India: a case study of the Krishna River Basin

Smakhtin, Vladimir; Gamage, Nilantha; Bharati, Luna. 2008. Hydrological and environmental issues of inter-basin water transfers in India: a case study of the Krishna River Basin. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Sharma, Bharat R. (Eds.) Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 2. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP, New Delhi, India, 9-10 October 2007. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.79-106.
Scientific Publication

Peri-urbanisation of rural India - is this the furute? [Abstract only]

Amerasinghe, Priyanie. 2014. Peri-urbanisation of rural India - is this the furute? [Abstract only] In Maheshwari, B. L.; Simmons, B.; Thoradeniya, B. Proceedings of the International Conference on Peri-Urban Landscapes: Water, Food and Environmental Security. Penrith, New South Wales, Australia: University of Western Sydney. pp.16.