
Scientific Publication

Global irrigated area map (GIAM), derived from remote sensing, for the end of the last millennium

Thenkabail, P. S.; Biradar, C. M.; Noojipady, P.; Dheeravath, V.; Li, Yuan Jie; Velpuri, N. M.; Gumma, Murali Krishna; Gangalakunta, O. R. P.; Turral, H.; Cai, Xueliang; Vithanage, Jagath; Schull, M. A.; Dutta, R. 2009. Global irrigated area map (GIAM), derived from remote sensing, for the end of the last millennium. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(14):3679-3733. doi:

Wastewater agriculture in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh

Jayakody, Priyantha; Amin, M. M.; Clemett, Alexandra. 2007. Wastewater agriculture in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. Unpublished project report produced as part of the Wastewater Agriculture and Sanitation For Poverty Alleviation in Asia (WASPA Asia). 19p. + annex. (WASPA Asia Project Report 9)
Working Paper

Small tank cascade systems in the Walawe River Basin [Sri Lanka].

Somaratne, Pallewatte G.; Jayakody, Priyantha; Molle Francois; Jinapala, Kiribandage. 2005. Small tank cascade systems in the Walawe River Basin [Sri Lanka]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). iii, 43p. (IWMI Working Paper 092) doi:
Scientific Publication

A quasi-experimental evaluation of a nutrition behavior change intervention delivered through women’s self-help groups in rural India: Impacts on maternal and young child diets, anthropometry and intermediate outcomes

Scott, Samuel et al., 'A quasi-experimental evaluation of a nutrition behavior change intervention delivered through women’s self-help groups in rural India: Impacts on maternal and young child diets, anthropometry and intermediate outcomes', Current Developments in Nutrition, vol. 6(6):nzac079, p. nzac079, Elsevier BV, 2022