
The impact of non-tariff barriers on maize and beef trade in East Africa
Scientific Publication

The impact of non-tariff barriers on maize and beef trade in East Africa

Karugia, J., Wanjiku, J., Nzuma, J., Gbegbelegbe, S., Macharia, E., Massawe, S., Freeman, A., Waithaka, M. and Kaitibie, S. 2011. The impact of non-tariff barriers on maize and beef trade in East Africa.IN: International Livestock Research Institute. 2011. Towards priority actions for market development for African farmers. Proceedings of an international conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 13-15 May 2009. Nairobi: AGRA and ILRI: 356-369
Scientific Publication

Best-bet pathways for the delivery of East Coast fever vaccines to smallholder dairy systems in Kenya

Ndung’u, L.W.; Randolph, T.F.; McDermott, J.J.; Kiara, H.K.; Perry, B.D. 2003. Best-bet pathways for the delivery of East Coast fever vaccines to smallholder dairy systems in Kenya. IN: ISVEE 10: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vina del Mar, Chile, Delivery of health services session. p. 432. Vina del Mar (Chile): International Symposia for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE)
Scientific Publication

Impact of watershed interventions on runoff and sedimentation in Gumera Watershed

Awulachew, S.B., Tenaw, M., Steenhuis, T., Easton, Z., Ahmed, A. Bashar, K.E. and Hailesellassie, A. 2009. Impact of watershed interventions on runoff and sedimentation in Gumera Watershed. IN: CPWF. 2009. Fighting poverty through sustainable water use: Proceedings of the CPWF 2nd International Forum on Water and Food, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 10—14, 2008: Volume I. Colombo: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food
Poster / Presentation

Incentives and challenges of smallholder pig farming in western Kenya

Mutua, F.K.; Dewey, C.E.; Arimi, S.M.; Schelling, E.; Ogara W.O. 2009. Incentives and challenges of smallholder pig farming in western Kenya. Poster presented at the 12th conference of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Durban, South Africa, 10-14 August 2009. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI

System prototyping and impact assessment for sustainable alternatives in mixed farming systems in high potential areas of eastern Africa

Waithaka, M.M.; Thornton, P.K.; Herrero, M.; Shepherd, K.; Stoorvogel, J.; Salasya, B.; Ndiwa, N.; Bekele, N.; Croucher, M.; Karanja, S.; Booltink, H. 2005. System prototyping and impact assessment for sustainable alternatives in mixed farming systems in high potential areas of eastern Africa. Dutch ecoregional fund. Final project report. 29pp. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Safe Food, Fair Food, Ethiopia: Rapid assessment report 2014
Poster / Presentation

Safe Food, Fair Food, Ethiopia: Rapid assessment report 2014

Szonyi, B., Dewe, T, and Feleke, A. 2014. Safe Food, Fair Food, Ethiopia: Rapid assessment report 2014. Presented at the Safe Food, Fair Food annual project planning meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15-17 April 2014. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University.
An Ad/MVA vectored Theileria parva antigen induces schizont-specific CD8+ central memory T cells and confers partial protection against a lethal challenge
Scientific Publication

An Ad/MVA vectored Theileria parva antigen induces schizont-specific CD8+ central memory T cells and confers partial protection against a lethal challenge

Svitek, N., Saya, R., Awino, E., Munyao, S., Muriuki, R., Njoroge, T., Pellé, R., Ndiwa, N., Poole, J., Gilbert, S., Nene, V. and Steinaa, L. 2018. An Ad/MVA vectored Theileria parva antigen induces schizont-specific CD8+ central memory T cells and confers partial protection against a lethal challenge. NPJ Vaccines 3:35.
A longitudinal survey of African swine fever in Uganda reveals high apparent disease incidence rates in domestic pigs, but absence of detectable persistent virus infections in blood and serum
Scientific Publication

A longitudinal survey of African swine fever in Uganda reveals high apparent disease incidence rates in domestic pigs, but absence of detectable persistent virus infections in blood and serum

Muhangi, D., Masembe, C., Emanuelson, U., Boqvist, S., Mayega, L., Ademun, R.O., Bishop, R.P., Ocaido, M., Berg, M. and Ståhl, K. 2015. A longitudinal survey of African swine fever in Uganda reveals high apparent disease incidence rates in domestic pigs, but absence of detectable persistent virus infections in blood and serum. BMC Veterinary Research 11:106
Strengthening Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato planting material systems in the Eastern Province of Zambia: Implementation, progress and achievements
Poster / Presentation

Strengthening Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato planting material systems in the Eastern Province of Zambia: Implementation, progress and achievements

Chipungu, F., Chiona, M., Mudenda, S. and Nkhoma, A.K. 2017. Strengthening Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato planting material systems in the Eastern Province of Zambia: Implementation, progress and achievements. Presented at the Africa RISING Eastern Province of Zambia Project Review and End-of-Project Meeting, Lusaka, Zambia, 7–8 September 2017. Lima, Peru: CIP.
Scientific Publication

Developing procedures for assessment of ecological status of Indian river basins in the context of environmental water requirements

Smakhtin, Vladimir; Arunachalam, M.; Sivaramakrishnan, K. G.; Behera, S.; Chatterjee, A.; Gautam, P.; Das, Srabani; Joshi, G. D.; Unni, K. S. 2009. Developing procedures for assessment of ecological status of Indian river basins in the context of environmental water requirements. In Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Shah, Tushaar; Malik, R. P. S. (Eds.). Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 1: India�s water future: scenarios and issues. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.329-366.
Scientific Publication

Ecosystem services: opportunities and threats

McCartney, Matthew; Nyambe, I. A. 2017. Ecosystem services: opportunities and threats. In Lautze, Jonathan; Phiri, Z.; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Saruchera, D. (Eds.). 2017. Tha Zambizi River Basin: water and sustainable development. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.125-157. (Earthscan Series on Major River Basins of the World)