
Droits fonciers des femmes au Niger

Droits fonciers des femmes au Niger

Enokenwa, O.; Hannay, L.; Elias, M. (2022) Droits fonciers des femmes au Niger. Sécuriser les droits des femmes aux ressources grâce aux approches transformatrices du genre. Bogor (Indonésie): Centre de recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR) et Nairobi : World Agroforestry (ICRAF) et le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA)
SAPLING protocol for obtaining baseline data on value chain performance and inclusion, as well as innovation use by service providers, applicable to the 15 SAPLING livestock value chains
Training Material

SAPLING protocol for obtaining baseline data on value chain performance and inclusion, as well as innovation use by service providers, applicable to the 15 SAPLING livestock value chains

Marshall, K., Poole, J., Teufel, N., Njehu, A. and Baltenweck, I. 2022. SAPLING protocol for obtaining baseline data on value chain performance and inclusion, as well as innovation use by service providers, applicable to the 15 SAPLING livestock value chains. ILRI Manual 66. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI

Can agricultural development projects empower women? A synthesis of mixed methods evaluations using pro-WEAI in the gender, agriculture, and assets project (phase 2) portfolio

Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Malapit, Hazel J.; Seymour, Greg; Heckert, Jessica; Doss, Cheryl; Johnson, Nancy; Rubin, Deborah; Thai, Giang; Ramani, Gayathri V.; Meyers, Emily; and GAAP2 for pro-WEAI Study Team. 2022. Can agricultural development projects empower women? A synthesis of mixed methods evaluations using pro-WEAI in the gender, agriculture, and assets project (phase 2) portfolio. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2137. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Acceptability of cavies rearing by women as a source of protein and key micronutrients and as a source of income: A qualitative study conducted in the Saboba and Gushegu districts of the northern region of Ghana

Acceptability of cavies rearing by women as a source of protein and key micronutrients and as a source of income: A qualitative study conducted in the Saboba and Gushegu districts of the northern region of Ghana

Muizz Muktar, A.; Alhassan, M. 2022. Acceptability of cavies rearing by women as a source of protein and key micronutrients and as a source of income: A qualitative study conducted in the Saboba and Gushegu districts of the northern region of Ghana. International Potato Center. ISBN: 978-92-9060-646-8. 27 p.
Scientific Publication

Assessment of the use of Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach by farmers to manage climate risk in Mali and Senegal

Dayamba, D S and Ky-Dembele, C and Bayala, J and Dorward, P and Clarkson, G and Sanogo, D and Diop Mamadou, L and Traore, I and Diakite, A and Nenkam, A and Binam, J N and Ouedraogo, M and Zougmore, R B (2018) Assessment of the use of Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach by farmers to manage climate risk in Mali and Senegal. Climate Services, 12. pp. 27-35. ISSN 24058807
Securing Sweetpotato Planting Material for Farmers in Dryland Africa: Gender-Responsive Communication Approaches to Scale Triple S
Scientific Publication

Securing Sweetpotato Planting Material for Farmers in Dryland Africa: Gender-Responsive Communication Approaches to Scale Triple S

McEwan, M.; van Mourik, T.A.; Hundayehu, M.C.; Asfaw, F.; Namanda, S.; Suleman, I.; Mayanja, S.; Imoro, S.; Etwire, P.M. 2022. Securing Sweetpotato Planting Material for Farmers in Dryland Africa: Gender-Responsive Communication Approaches to Scale Triple S. In: Thiele, G.; Friedmann, M.; Campos, H.; Polar, V.; Bentley, J.W. (eds) Root, Tuber and Banana Food System Innovations. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-92022-7.
Inclusive agriculture: creating opportunities for women and youth in Mali’s irrigated vegetable value chain

Inclusive agriculture: creating opportunities for women and youth in Mali’s irrigated vegetable value chain

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2023. Inclusive agriculture: creating opportunities for women and youth in Mali’s irrigated vegetable value chain. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 8p. (IWMI Water Issue Brief 21) [doi:]