

Adoption and economic impact of briquettes as cooking fuel: the case of women fish smokers in Ghana

Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Amewu, S.; Njenga, M. 2018. Adoption and economic impact of briquettes as cooking fuel: the case of women fish smokers in Ghana. In Njenga, M.; Mendum, R. (Eds.). Recovering bioenergy in Sub-Saharan Africa: gender dimensions, lessons and challenges. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). pp.25-31. (Resource Recovery and Reuse: Special Issue)
Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: a case from Mali
Poster / Presentation

Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: a case from Mali

Sapna Jarial, Gundula Fischer, Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon, Hamidou Nantoumé, Zemadim Birhanu, Bougouna Sodoba, Ramadjita Tabo. (30/3/2016). Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: a case from Mali. Hyderabad, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: A case from Mali
Poster / Presentation

Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: A case from Mali

Jarial, S., Fischer, G., Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., Nantoume, H., Zemadim, B., Soguba, B. and Tabo, R. 2016. Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: A case from Mali. Poster prepared for the Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting, Accra, 30 March–1 April 2016. Niamey, Niger: ICRISAT.
Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania
Working Paper

Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania

Gumucio T, Kramer B, Ragasa C, Pyburn R, Galie A, Dejene Aredo S, Jumba H, Nimorme E, Omondi I, Sufian FD. 2021. Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. CCAFS Working Paper no. 412. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Scientific Publication

Farmer participatory evaluation of four hybrid water yam clones in the yam belt of Nigeria

Ikeorgu, J.G., Oselebe, H., Oluwatayo, J., Ugwuoke, K., Ukpabi, U. & Asiedu, R. (2009). Farmer Participatory Evaluation of Four Hybrid Water Yam Clones in the Yam Belt of Nigeria. In: Securing livelihoods through yams: proceedings of a technical workshop on progress in yam research for development in west and central Africa, Accra, 11-13 September, 2007. Ghana: IITA.