
Guide methodologique: Méthode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture élevage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes

Guide methodologique: Méthode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture élevage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes

Bayala J, Dayamba D, Ayantunde A, Somda J, Ky-Dembele C, Bationo BA, Buah S, Sanogo D, Tougiani A, Zougmoré R. 2018. Guide methodologique: Méthode communautaire participative d’inventaire et de priorisation des technologies / pratiques d’agriculture élevage-agroforesterie climato-intelligentes. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre.
Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes - Cases from Southern and Western Africa
Scientific Publication

Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes - Cases from Southern and Western Africa

Zulu, L., Djenontin, I.N.S., Darkwah, A., Kamoto, J., Kampanje-Phiri, J., Fischer, G., Grabowski, P. and Egyir, I. 2020. Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes–Cases from Southern and Western Africa. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso
Working Paper

Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso

Somda J, Sawadogo I, Savadogo M, Zougmoré R, Bationo BA, Moussa AS, Nakoulma G, Sanou J, Barry S, Sanou AO, Some L. 2014. Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso. CCAFS Working Paper No. 64. Copenhague, Danemark: Programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la Sécurité Alimentaire (CCAFS).
Integrated approach to facilitate stakeholder participation in the control of endemic diseases of livestock: The case of peste des petits ruminants in Mali
Scientific Publication

Integrated approach to facilitate stakeholder participation in the control of endemic diseases of livestock: The case of peste des petits ruminants in Mali

Dione, M.M., Traoré, I., Kassambara, H., Sow, A.N., Touré, C.O., Sidibé, C.A.K., Séry, A., Yena, A.S., Wieland, B., Dakouo, M., Diall, O., Niang, M., Fomba, C.O., Traoré, M. and Fall, A. 2019. Integrated approach to facilitate stakeholder participation in the control of endemic diseases of livestock: The case of peste des petits ruminants in Mali. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6: 392.