
SKiM - Approach Paper

SKiM - Approach Paper

Murat Sartas, Valerio Graziano, Enrico Bonaiuti, Akmal Akramkhanov. (23/12/2020). SKiM - Approach Paper
Scientific Publication

Analysis of the immunoproteome of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony type reveals immunogenic homologues to other known virulence traits in related Mycoplasma species

Jores, J.; Meens, J.; Buettner, F.F.R.; Linz, B.; Naessens, J.; Gerlach, G.F. 2009. Analysis of the immunoproteome of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony type reveals immunogenic homologues to other known virulence traits in related Mycoplasma species. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. v. 131(3-4). p. 238-245.
Scientific Publication

Assessment of genotyping array performance for genome-wide association studies and imputation in African cattle

Riggio, V., Tijjani, A., Callaby, R., Talenti, A., Wragg, D., Obishakin, E.T., Ezeasor, C., Jongejan, F., Ogo, N.I., Aboagye-Antwi, F., Toure, A., Nzalawahej, J., Diallo, B., Missohou, A., Belem, A.M.G., Djikeng, A., Julef, N., Fourie, J., Labuschagne, M., Madder, M., Marshall, K., Prendergast, J.G.D. and Morrison, L.J. 2022. Assessment of genotyping array performance for genome-wide association studies and imputation in African cattle. Genetics Selection Evolution 54:58.