
Improved household nutrition through home-grown produce and consumption of nutritious and healthy products
Scientific Publication

Improved household nutrition through home-grown produce and consumption of nutritious and healthy products

Anitha, Seetha.; Afari-Sefa, Victor.; Kalumikiza, Zione.; Mhango, Khumbo.; Mosha, Inviolate.; Muzanila, Yasinta.; Mwangwela, Agnes.; Ochieng, Justus.; Okori, Patrick.; Tsusaka, Takuji W. 2022. Improved household nutrition through home-grown produce and consumption of nutritious and healthy products. In: Bekunda, M., Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., Odhong, J.(eds.) Sustainable agricultural intensification: a handbook for practitioners in East and Southern Africa. Wallingford (UK): CABI: 119-133.