
Water quality and aquaculture
Scientific Publication

Water quality and aquaculture

Amoah, Philip; Drechsel, Pay. 2023. Water quality and aquaculture. In Drechsel, Pay; Marjani Zadeh, S.; Salcedo, F. P. (Eds.). Water quality in agriculture: risks and risk mitigation. Rome, Italy: FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.77-92.
Scientific Publication

Nutrition and utilization for health and income generation: an incentive for the promotion of legumes in Kenya

Ohiokpehai, Omo; King´olla, Brenda. 2007. Nutrition and utilization for health and income generation : An incentive for the promotion of legumes in Kenya [abstract] [online]. In: Bationo, André; Okeyo, Jeremiah M.; Waswa, Boaz S.; Mapfumo, Paul; Maina, Fredah; Kihara, Job (eds.). Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: Exploring the scientific facts: Abstracts: Symposium [online]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Nairobi, KE. p. 152.
Scientific Publication

Nutrition of savanna rice lines under Colombian savanna soil conditions

Roy, A.C.; Sarkarung, Surapong; Zeigler, Robert S. 1992. Nutrition of savanna rice lines under Colombian savanna soil conditions. In: Cuevas Pérez, Federico E. (ed.). International Rice Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (8, 1991, Villahermosa, Tabasco, México). Rice in Latin America: Improvement, management, and marketing: Proceedings. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Cali, CO. p. 265.
Scientific Publication

The CIAT bean database

WHITE, J.W.; VOYSEST, O.; Serrano, G. 1990. The CIAT bean database. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report (USA). 33:100-101.
Theory of change for the chicken value chain in Tanzania, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion

Theory of change for the chicken value chain in Tanzania, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion

Omore, A., Yitayih, B., Dessie, T., Esatu, W., Getachew, F., Geremew, K., Yemane, T., Rao, J., Marshall, K., Jeremiah, A., Achandi, E., Mourad, R. and Baltenweck, I. 2024. Theory of change for the chicken value chain in Tanzania, developed for the CGIAR Initiative Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Dataset / Tabular

Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset (Namibia)

Ministry of Health and Social Services [Namibia], Central Statistics Office [Namibia], and Macro International Inc.; Minnesota Population Center (University of Minnesota), 'Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset (Namibia)', 2020