
Precise irrigation water and nitrogen management improve water and nitrogen use efficiencies under conservation agriculture in the maize-wheat systems
Scientific Publication

Precise irrigation water and nitrogen management improve water and nitrogen use efficiencies under conservation agriculture in the maize-wheat systems

Gupta, N., Singh, Y., Jat, H. S., Singh, L. K., Choudhary, K. M., Sidhu, H. S., Gathala, M. K., & Jat, M. L. (2023). Precise irrigation water and nitrogen management improve water and nitrogen use efficiencies under conservation agriculture in the maize-wheat systems. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected agrifood systems through a water-energy-food nexus approach

Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected agrifood systems through a water-energy-food nexus approach

Al-Zu’bi, Maha; Daher, B.; Brouziyne, Youssef; Laamrani, H.; Melhem, D.; Greatrix, Emma; Ruckstuhl, Sandra; McCartney, Matthew; Anarbekov, Oyture; Sanchez Ramirez, Juan Carlos; Nicol, Alan. 2023. Building resilience in fragile and conflict-affected agrifood systems through a water-energy-food nexus approach. Cairo, Egypt: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Fragility to Resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa. 8p.
Scientific Publication

Lifting quality constraints to agricultural technology adoption in the Ugandan market for maize seed

Miehe, Caroline; Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Sparrow, Robert; and Spielman, David J. 2023. Lifting quality constraints to agricultural technology adoption in the Ugandan market for maize seed. Paper presented at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) Conference 2023, Oxford, UK, March 19-20.
Dataset / Tabular


Amele, Asrat; Paterne Agre, '06aytTDrtrialUB', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2022

Season's Greetings

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. (2022). Season's Greetings. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
Poster / Presentation

Contribution of innovation platforms in the cowpea value chain for food security in West Africa

Adetonah, S., Locoh, J.L. & Coulibaly, O. (2016). Contribution of innovation platforms in the cowpea value chain for food security in West Africa. Poster. Pan African Grain Legumes and World Cowpea Conference: sustainable grain legume systems for food income and nutritional security in a rapidly changing climate, 28 February - 4th March, Livingstone, Zambia
Social and behaviour change and communication strategy for enhancing access to and use of quality finger millet seed of improved varieties through youth and women quality centres in Busia County, Kenya

Social and behaviour change and communication strategy for enhancing access to and use of quality finger millet seed of improved varieties through youth and women quality centres in Busia County, Kenya

Lengewa, C., Oduori, C., Ojiewo, C., Gichuru, L., Mikhala, A., Echessa, P., & Kinyota, P. (2024). Social and behaviour change and communication strategy for enhancing access to and use of quality finger millet seed of improved varieties through youth and women quality centres in Busia County, Kenya. CIMMYT.
Review of fisheries and aquaculture policies in Ghana: technical report

Review of fisheries and aquaculture policies in Ghana: technical report

Mapedza, Everisto; Buisson, Marie-Charlotte; Zane, Giulia; Appiah, Sarah; Asmah, R.; Ahiah, L.; Mensah, E. 2024. Review of fisheries and aquaculture policies in Ghana: technical report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods. 32p.
Magazine or Press item

Three ICRISAT publications

CTA. 1988. Three ICRISAT publications. Spore 17. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.