
Scientific Publication

Molecular detection and typing of pathogenic Leptospira in febrile patients

Allan K, Maze M, Galloway R, Rubach M, Biggs H, Halliday J, Cleaveland S, Saganda W, Lwezaula B, Kazwala R, Mmbaga B, Maro V, Crump J (2020). Molecular detection and typing of pathogenic Leptospira in febrile patients and phylogenetic comparison with Leptospira detected among animals in Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 103:1427-1434
Scientific Publication

Development of diagnostic SNP markers for quality assurance and control in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) breeding programs

Gemenet, D.; Kitavi, M.; David, M.; Ndege, D.; Ssali, R.T.; Swanckaert, J.; Makunde, G.S.; Yencho, G.C.; Gruneberg, W.J.; Carey, E.E.; Mwanga, R.O.M.; Andrade, M.I.; Heck, S.; Campos, H. 2020. Development of diagnostic SNP markers for quality assurance and control in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) breeding programs. PLoS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203. 15(4): e0232173

Exploring the impact of covid-19 on adolescents in urban slums in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Farheen Ria, A., Ahmed Raha, S., Rana, S., Roy, P., Aktar, T., Al Mamun, S., Hasan Anik, M. and Alam, F. (2020) ‘Listening to young people’s voices under covid-19. Exploring the impact of covid-19 on adolescents in urban slums and low-income settlements in Dhaka, Bangladesh.’ Policy brief. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence
Scientific Publication

Intensifying Inequality? Gendered trends in commercializing and diversifying smallholder farming systems in East Africa

Tavenner K, van Wijk M, Fraval S, Hammond J, Baltenweck I, Teufel N, Kihoro E, de Haan N, van Etten J, Steinke J, Baines D, Carpena P, Skirrow T, Rosenstock T, Lamanna C, Ng’endo M, Chesterman S, Namoi N and Manda L (2019) Intensifying Inequality? Gendered Trends in Commercializing and Diversifying Smallholder Farming Systems in East Africa. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 3:10. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2019.00010