
Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to ‘Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide’ and other guides for community-based resource management
Working Paper

Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to ‘Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide’ and other guides for community-based resource management

Kleiber, D. et al. (2019). Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management. An addendum to ‘Community-based marine resource management in Solomon Islands: A facilitators guide’ and other guides for community-based resource management. Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin, 30: 34-39
Poster / Presentation

A gendered assessment of the Mulukanoor Women’s Cooperative Dairy value chain, Telangana, India

Swamy, K., Blümmel, M., Cadilhon, J.J., Colverson, K.E., Reddy, Y.R. and Ravichandran, T. 2014. A gendered assessment of the Mulukanoor Women’s Cooperative Dairy value chain, Telangana, India. Presented at the 8th International Conference of Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) on Viability of Small Farmers in Asia 2014, Saver, Bangladesh, 15-17 August 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.

Gender Mapper

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 'Gender Mapper', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Washington, D.C.; Sri Lanka, 2012
Analysis of drivers of agricultural growth, feminization of agriculture and crop modeling tools. A capacity building workshop for the taskforce members of RNR Strategy 2040 for Bhutan.

Analysis of drivers of agricultural growth, feminization of agriculture and crop modeling tools. A capacity building workshop for the taskforce members of RNR Strategy 2040 for Bhutan.

Pathak H. 2019. Analysis of drivers of agricultural growth, feminization of agriculture and crop modeling tools. A capacity building workshop for the taskforce members of RNR Strategy 2040 for Bhutan. CCAFS Workshop Report. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development
Scientific Publication

A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development

Kaminski, A. M. Kruijssen, F. Cole, S. M. Beveridge, M. C. M. Dawson, C. Mohan, C. V. Suri, S. Karim, M. Chen, O. L. Phillips, M. J. Downing, W. Weirowski, F. Genschick, S. Tran, N. Rogers, W. Little, D. C. (2021). A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development. Reviews in Aquaculture, 12(3): 1881-1902
Introduction to participatory epidemiology and its application to highly pathogenic avian influenza participatory disease surveillance: A manual for participatory disease surveillance practitioners
Training Material

Introduction to participatory epidemiology and its application to highly pathogenic avian influenza participatory disease surveillance: A manual for participatory disease surveillance practitioners

Ameri, A.A., Hendrickx, S., Jones, B., Mariner, J., Mehta, P. and Pissang, C. 2009. Introduction to participatory epidemiology and its application to highly pathogenic avian influenza participatory disease surveillance: A manual for participatory disease surveillance practitioners. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Le développement de l’Indice d’Autonomisation des Femmes dans l’Agriculture au niveau projet pour les filières agro-alimentaires (pro-WEAI+MI): Une application au Bénin du programme d’Education et de Formation Technique et Professionnelle Agricole pour les Femmes (EFTPA/F)

Heckert, Jessica et al., 'Le développement de l’Indice d’Autonomisation des Femmes dans l’Agriculture au niveau projet pour les filières agro-alimentaires (pro-WEAI+MI): Une application au Bénin du programme d’Education et de Formation Technique et Professionnelle Agricole pour les Femmes (EFTPA/F)', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2020