
Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso
Working Paper

Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso

Somda J, Sawadogo I, Savadogo M, Zougmoré R, Bationo BA, Moussa AS, Nakoulma G, Sanou J, Barry S, Sanou AO, Some L. 2014. Analyse participative de la vulnérabilité et planification de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le Yatenga, Burkina Faso. CCAFS Working Paper No. 64. Copenhague, Danemark: Programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la Sécurité Alimentaire (CCAFS).
HCI-Evaluation of the GeoCitizen-reporting App for citizen participation in spatial planning and community management among members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia
Scientific Publication

HCI-Evaluation of the GeoCitizen-reporting App for citizen participation in spatial planning and community management among members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia

Atzmanstorfer, Karl; Eitzinger, Anton; Marin, Beatriz Eugenia; Parra Arteaga, Andres; Gonzalez Quintero, Bryan; Resl, Richard. 2016. HCI-Evaluation of the GeoCitizen-reporting App for citizen participation in spatial planning and community management among members of marginalized communities in Cali, Colombia . GI_FORUM - Journal for Geographic Information Science 1: 117-132.

Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 'Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2016
Notes from a Uganda virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion' and on 'ActioNs for Innovative climate change Mitigation and Adaptation of Livestock Systems', 14 July 2021

Notes from a Uganda virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion' and on 'ActioNs for Innovative climate change Mitigation and Adaptation of Livestock Systems', 14 July 2021

ILRI, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA. 2021. Notes from a Uganda virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion and on ActioNs for Innovative climate change Mitigation and Adaptation of Livestock Systems, 14 July 2021. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Farmer participation in research and extension: the key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production practices in Asia

Howeler, Reinhardt. 2012. Farmer participation in research and extension : The key to achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production practices in Asia. In: Howeler, Reinhardt H. (ed.). The cassava handbook: A reference manual based on the asian regional cassava training course, held in Thailand. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bangkok, TH. p. 556-587.
Scientific Publication

Selección varietal participativa para el mejoramiento de la yuca con agricultores en la región Caribe colombiana : Desarrollo de una metodología = Varietal participative selection for cassava breeding with small farmers in Colombian Caribbean region : A methodology development

López Montes, Antonio José; Hernández Romero, Luis Alfredo; Iglesias F., Carlos Ariel. 2007. Selección varietal participativa para el mejoramiento de la yuca con agricultores en la región Caribe colombiana : Desarrollo de una metodología . Revista CORPOICA (Colombia) 8(2):32-41.
Scientific Publication

Participación del micelio externo de hongos micorrícico-arbusculares en la formación de agregados estables alagua en suelos de ladera con influencia de cenizas volcánicas = Participation of external mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the formation of water stable aggregates in slope grounds with volcanic ash influence

Zarate, LM et al., 'Participación del micelio externo de hongos micorrícico-arbusculares en la formación de agregados estables alagua en suelos de ladera con influencia de cenizas volcánicas = Participation of external mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the formation of water stable aggregates in slope grounds with volcanic ash influence', Suelos Ecuatoriales, 2007