
Scientific Publication

Participatory variety selection of pulses under farmer management in Kadoma district, Zimbabwe

Rusinamhodzi, L.; Delve, Robert J. 2007. Participatory variety selection of pulses under farmer management in Kadoma district, Zimbabwe [abstract] [online]. In: Bationo, André; Okeyo, Jeremiah M.; Waswa, Boaz S.; Mapfumo, Paul; Maina, Fredah; Kihara, Job (eds.). Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: Exploring the scientific facts: Abstracts: Symposium [online]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Nairobi, KE. p. 170.
Iron absorption from iron-biofortified sweetpotato is higher than regular sweetpotato in Malawian women while iron absorption from regular and iron-biofortified potatoes is high in Peruvian women
Scientific Publication

Iron absorption from iron-biofortified sweetpotato is higher than regular sweetpotato in Malawian women while iron absorption from regular and iron-biofortified potatoes is high in Peruvian women

Jongstra, R., Mwangi, M., Burgos, G., Zeder, C., Low, J.W., Mzembe, G., Liria, R., Penny, M., Andrade, M.I., Fairweather-Tait, S., Felde, T. zum, Campos, H., Phiri, K.S., Zimmermann, M., Wegmüller, R. (2020). Iron absorption from iron-biofortified sweetpotato is higher than regular sweetpotato in Malawian women while iron absorption from regular and iron-biofortified potatoes is high in Peruvian women. Journal of Nutrition. ISSN 1541-6100. Published online 13Nov2020.
Farmer participatory extension (FPE) methodologies used in the cassava project in Thailand
Scientific Publication

Farmer participatory extension (FPE) methodologies used in the cassava project in Thailand

Vongkasem, Wilawan; Klakhaeng, Kaival; Srakaew, Kitti; Sevatasai, Ratana; Watananonta, Watana; Howeler, Reinhardt H. 2007. Farmer participatory extension (FPE) methodologies used in the cassava project in Thailand. In: Howeler, Reinhardt H. (ed.). Cassava research and development in Asia: Exploring new opportunities for an ancient crop: Proceedings of the seventh regional workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct 28-Nov 1, 2002. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 344-351.
Farmer participatory research activities in the Nippon Foundation cassava project in Thailand
Scientific Publication

Farmer participatory research activities in the Nippon Foundation cassava project in Thailand

Watananonta, Watana; Vongkasem, Wilawan; Klakhaeng, Kaival; Howeler, Reinhardt H. 2007. Farmer participatory research activities in the Nippon Foundation cassava project in Thailand. In: Howeler, Reinhardt H. (ed.). Cassava research and development in Asia: Exploring new opportunities for an ancient crop: Proceedings of the seventh regional workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct 28-Nov 1, 2002. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Bangkok, TH. p. 333-343.
The participatory market chain approach: Experiences and results in four Andean cases.
Working Paper

The participatory market chain approach: Experiences and results in four Andean cases.

Horton, D.; Oros, R.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Lopez, G.; Velasco, C.; Rodriguez, F.; Escobar, E.; Rotondo, E.; Hareau, G.; Thiele, G. 2011. The participatory market chain approach: Experiences and results in four Andean cases. ima (Peru). International Potato Center (CIP). Social and Health Sciences. 107 p. Social Sciences Working Paper Series. no. 2011-1.