
Scientific Publication

Changing asset endowments and smallholder participation in higher-value markets: Evidence from certified-coffee producers in Nicaragua

Donovan, Jason; Poole, Nigel, 'Changing asset endowments and smallholder participation in higher-value markets: Evidence from certified-coffee producers in Nicaragua', In Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: Successes and challenges. Devaux, André; Torero, Máximo; Donovan, Jason; Horton, Douglas (Eds.). Chapter 3. Pp. 93-126, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016
Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa en Colombia.
Scientific Publication

Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa en Colombia.

Garcia, D.; Pedraza, C.; Fonseca, C.; Ruiz, R.; Maldonado, L.; Pozo, A. 2012. Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa en Colombia In: Thiele, G.; Quiros, C.A.; Ashby, J.; Hareau, G.; Rotondo, E.; Lopez, G.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Oros, R.; Arevalo, D.; Bentley, J. (eds.) Metodos participativos para la inclusion de los pequenos productores rurales en la innovacion agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la region andina 2007-2010. Lima (Peru). Programa Alianza Cambio Andino Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-417-4. pp. 185-196.
Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa en Peru.
Scientific Publication

Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa en Peru.

Fonseca, C.; Haan, S. de; Miethbauer, T.; Maldonado, L.; Ruiz, R. 2012. Seleccion participativa de variedades de papa en Peru. In: Thiele, G.; Quiros, C.A.; Ashby, J.; Hareau, G.; Rotondo, E.; Lopez, G.; Paz Ybarnegaray, R.; Oros, R.; Arevalo, D.; Bentley, J. (eds.) Metodos participativos para la inclusion de los pequenos productores rurales en la innovacion agropecuaria: Experiencias y alcances en la region andina 2007-2010. Lima (Peru). Programa Alianza Cambio Andino Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). ISBN 978-92-9060-417-4. pp. 169-184.
Notes from a Vietnam virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Protecting Human Health through a One Health Approach' and on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion', 30 July 2021

Notes from a Vietnam virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Protecting Human Health through a One Health Approach' and on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion', 30 July 2021

ILRI, IFPRI, IWMI, WorldFish, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA. 2021. Notes from a Vietnam virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on Protecting Human Health through a One Health Approach and on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion, 30 July 2021. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Pillar 5. Improve socio-economic inclusion, resilience and well-being of family farmers, rural households and communities in South Asia

Gauchan, D.; Shrestha, R.B. (2021) Pillar 5. Improve socio-economic inclusion, resilience and well-being of family farmers, rural households and communities in South Asia. In: Shrestha, R.B. (et a. (eds.)) United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028: Regional Action Plan to Implement the UNDFF for Achieving the SDGs in South Asia. Dhaka (Bangladesh): SAARC Agriculture Center/FAO/AFA/ICA-AP. p. 161-174. ISBN: 978-984-35-0127-1 ISBN: 978-92-5-134526-9
Book / Monograph

Guía práctica para el monitoreo participativo de gobernanza

Evans, K., Marchena, R., Flores, S., Pikitle, A., Larson, A.M.. 2016. Guía práctica para el monitoreo participativo de gobernanza Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).