
Scientific Publication

Intrahousehold allocation, gender relations, and food security in developing countries

Quisumbing, Agnes; Smith, Lisa C, 'Intrahousehold allocation, gender relations, and food security in developing countries', In: Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Fuzhi Cheng (editors), "Food Policy for Developing Countries: Case Studies." 13 pp. URL:, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2007
Scientific Publication

Treadle pump irrigation in Malawi: adoption, gender and benefits

Kamwamba-Mtethiwa, J.; Namara, Regassa; de Fraiture, C.; Mangisoni, J.; Owusu, Eric. 2012. Treadle pump irrigation in Malawi: adoption, gender and benefits. Irrigation and Drainage 61(5): 583-595. doi:
Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project
Scientific Publication

Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project

Kisambu, N., Flintan, F., Daley, E. and Pallas, S. 2017. Gender and the commons: Pastoral women’s land rights and village land use planning in Tanzania: Experiences from the sustainable rangeland management project. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 10-14 July 2017.