
Pastoralism, land and gender
Poster / Presentation

Pastoralism, land and gender

Flintan, F. 2021. Pastoralism, land and gender. Presented at the IGAD Member State Women’s Land Rights Conference, 28-30 June 2021. Nairobi, Kenya. ILRI.
Guide to Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP): Experiences from the Agro-Climate Information Services for women and ethnic minority farmers in South-East Asia (ACIS) project in Ha Tinh and Dien Bien province, Vietnam
Training Material

Guide to Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP): Experiences from the Agro-Climate Information Services for women and ethnic minority farmers in South-East Asia (ACIS) project in Ha Tinh and Dien Bien province, Vietnam

Le TT, Luu TTG, Simelton E, Carter A, Le DH, Tong TH. 2018. Guide to Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP): Experiences from the Agro-Climate Information Services for women and ethnic minority farmers in South-East Asia (ACIS) project in Ha Tinh and Dien Bien province, Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Southeast Asia (CCAFS).
Women, Irrigation and Social Norms in Egypt

Women, Irrigation and Social Norms in Egypt

Dina Najjar, Bipasha Baruah, Aman Garhi. (18/6/2019). Women, Irrigation and Social Norms in Egypt. Montreal, Canada: McGill University, Institute for the Study of International Development (McGill-ISID)

Women building resilience in sub-Saharan Africa

Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) programme under the Alliance of Bioversity International & International Center for Tropical Agriculture. (2020) Women building resilience in sub-Saharan Africa. Gender Newsletter
Poster / Presentation

Gender perspectives in agriculture

Mulema, A.A. 2014. Gender perspectives in agriculture. Presented at the Initiation Meeting of the Basona Worena “Strategic Innovation Platform”, Ethiopia, 31 January 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.