Uxtools4Ag toolkit

The uxtools4ag toolkit provides a practical approach to design new agricultural innovations to be more user centered.
Why is the toolkit important?
Digital innovations have the potential to connect farmers with vital agricultural knowledge at scale. However, if innovation is driven by what is technologically possible, the result is low levels of uptake among target populations, with the main culprit identified as lack of interest.
Human-centered design offers tools to put your target group and their needs at the heart of innovation, while identifying the challenges that may lead to groups being excluded. The first step is user research aimed at developing a great user experience with a future project.
Applying user research is a challenge for researchers; the uxtools4ag toolkit provides a practical approach that can be applied at any stage of a project, and with which projects can start small and experiment.
Who is the toolkit for?
The user research toolkit (uxtools4Ag) is a tool for everyone working in applied research for development who wants to improve the user centeredness of their innovation development practices.
How can I use the tool?
In their own user research, the uxtools4Ag team identified different user profiles and designed different interfaces to serve them:
- Project planners can get a quick overview, budgeting information and an argumentative basis to integrate user research methods in their planning
- Implementers find step-by-step explanation, templates, and do’s and don’ts to support successful implementation of their research
When and how was it developed?
The toolkit was developed in a joint effort of the CGIAR Initiative on Digital Innovation together with Excellence in Agronomy in 2023. Development was based on human-centered processes, and used early-on feedback, usability testing and interviews to design an online toolkit that addresses the need of the different stakeholders targeted.
Where can I get the toolkit? Who can I contact?
Uxtools4Ag is an online tool available to the general public following the link: uxtools4Ag.
It is suggested as a toolbox to be consulted when planning or applying user research. The homepage also offers options to get in contact with the team or subscribe for upcoming news.