Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Infrastructure

©2022 CIAT

Learn the basic concepts behind mainstreaming gender equality in infrastructure, as well as how to implement this knowledge. 

This course is in English

What will you learn?

  • Understand why and how gender mainstreaming is important to planning, building, operating, and maintaining infrastructure
  • Recognize the importance of human-centered infrastructure design and the purpose of infrastructure to provide services
  • Recall fundamentals of how to mainstream gender equality into infrastructure project life design and planning
  • Understand and apply practical approaches and resources available to gender mainstreaming in specific infrastructure types

What resources do you need to do it?

Internet connection and a free UN Women Learning Centre account

The latest pdf adobe version and flash version is needed in order to view the course. Please note that the course will open in a separate pop-up window, therefore please ensure that pop-up blockers are de-activated. The participant will need set of headphones or speakers as the course includes audio throughout the entire course.

More about this training

It takes approximately 50 minutes to complete this module.

Learners unfamiliar with basic gender issues should consider first completing the foundational 2.5-hour course I Know Gender 1-2-3: Gender Concepts to Get Started, free of charge.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact the UN Women Training Centre directly at info.trainingcentre[at]

Access now

To enroll, click here