
Online Sources

Mapping Climate-Agriculture-Gender Inequity Hotspots to Build Resilience

Mishra, A., Lecoutere, E., Puskur, R., Koo, J. and Azzarri, C. 2022. Mapping Climate-Agriculture-Gender Inequity Hotspots to Build Resilience. Blog post. Agrilinks, Feed the Future, USAID.
Online Sources

Climate Smart Agriculture and Gender Learning Agenda

Global Knowledge Initiative. 2022. Climate Smart Agriculture & Gender Learning Agenda. Website. (Available from Global Knowledge Initiative.
Climate Change Disproportionately Hits Women Farmers

Climate Change Disproportionately Hits Women Farmers

Dawit M, Mohammed Y, Ambaw G, Bekele T, Abdella S, Huyer S, Gondwe T, Endrias A, Amha Y, Tesfaye A, Auma J, Haile A, Solomon D. 2022. Climate Change Disproportionately Hits Women Farmers. AICCRA Info Note. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).