Crops and technologies On crops, livestock, fisheries, irrigation, technologies, production and more.
Landscapes and biodiversity On land, landscapes, forests and forestry, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecology and more.
Nutrition and health On nutrition, malnutrition and overnutrition as well as health, diets, diseases and more.
Social Inclusion On inclusion, social classes, social groups, social participation, social protection, Indigenous peoples and more.
Modifying a Rift Valley fever vaccination campaign in Isiolo County, Kenya to reduce gendered barriers to accessing livestock vaccines
Reducing Vulnerability of Somali Communities by Raising the Capacity of Indigenous Systems and Enhancing Market Access and Consumer Welfare: Knowledge of livestock grading and market participation among small ruminant producers in northern Somalia
Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Scoping Study and Market Agent (Agripreneur) Baseline Survey and Women in Livestock Business Baseline Survey (WELBI)
Round II: Gender-disaggregated household survey data on rural women empowerment and technological change in wheat, Madhya Pradesh
Dataset for: Utilization of Participatory Mapping Tools for the Assessment of Crop Diversity in Cumbal, Colombia
Dataset for: Participatory mapping of agroclimatic and productive risks associated with the agrobiodiversity in Cumbal Colombia
Dataset for: Participatory Varietal Selection of 10 late blight resistant clones (B1C5) in the locality of Quilcas in Junin, Peru
Dataset for: Participatory Varietal Selection of 20 late blight resistant clones (B3C2) in the locality of Chaquicocha in La Libertad, Peru
Dataset for: Participatory Varietal Selection of 11 late blight resistant clones (B1C5) in the locality of Pamparacra in La Libertad, Peru
Dataset for: Participatory Varietal Selection of 11 late blight resistant clones (B1C5) in the locality of Suyubamba in La Libertad, Peru
Dataset for: Participatory Varietal Selection of 11 late blight resistant clones (B1C5) in the localities of Alacoto, Chuquitambo and Macullida in La Libertad, Peru
Perceived Effect of Feed-Health Intervention for Improved Small Ruminant Production on Gender and Household Nutrition in Koutiala District
Dataset for: Releasing at least one new potato variety in the highlands of Peru, focusing on quality for French fries and high level of resistance to late blight using participatory varietal selection during period from 2020-2021 in Cajamarca and Huamachuco
Rapid assessment on gender dynamics, barriers, opportunities and risks in agriculture and aquaculture sectors in northwestern Bangladesh
Dataset for: Participatory variety trial on selected clones from diversity panel population (Yield, growth and quality data)
Data on gender and social status details for dryland system agricultural production system research in South Asian action villages in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh
Replication Data for: Mbosso C Degrande A van Damme P Tsafack S Nimino G Tchoundjeu Z 2015 Gender differences in knowledge, perception and use of the Ricinodendron heudelotii kernel extraction machine
Dataset for: Participatory five cell analysis to monitor native potato diversity in six communities in the Central Peruvian Andes (district of Paucartambo and province of Yauyos)
Data on gender and social status details for dryland system agricultural production system research in South Asian action villages in Rajasthan
Data on gender and social status details for dryland system agricultural production system research in South Asian action villages in Bijapur
Dataset for: Potential new bio-fortified potato varieties high in iron and zinc to contribute to food and nutrition security in Junin, Peru (Participatory Varietal Selection)
Dataset for: Potential new bio-fortified potato varieties high in iron and zinc to contribute to food and nutrition security in Cajamarca, Peru (Participatory Varietal Selection)