
Going digital in agriculture: how radio and SMS can scale-up smallholder participation in legume-based sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies in Tanzania
Scientific Publication

Going digital in agriculture: how radio and SMS can scale-up smallholder participation in legume-based sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies in Tanzania

Silvia, S., Musebe, R., Baars, E., Ganatra, D. & Romney, D. (2020). Going digital in agriculture: how radio and SMS can scale-up smallholder participation in legume-based sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies in Tanzania. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-12.
Power through: A new concept in the empowerment discourse
Poster / Presentation

Power through: A new concept in the empowerment discourse

Galie, Alessandra; Farnworth, Cathy Rozel. 2019. Power through: A new concept in the empowerment discourse. Presented by Alessandra Galie (ILRI) and Cathy Farnworth (independent) on 27 November 2019, as part of the webinar 'Power through: A new concept in the empowerment discourse'. The webinar was co-organized by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Nairobi: International Livestock Research Institute
Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda
Poster / Presentation

Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda

Dione, M.M., Ouma, E.A., Roesel, K., Mayega, L., Nadiope, G., Kiryabwire, D. and Pezo, D. 2013. Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda. Poster presented at the 14th International Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25-29 August 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective
Scientific Publication

Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective

Elias, M and Mudege, N and Lopez, D E and Najjar, D and Kandiwa, V and Luis, J and Yila, J and Tegbaru, A and Ibrahim, G and Badstue, L and Njuguna, E M and Bentaibi, A (2018) Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective. Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (1). pp. 82-107. ISSN 2413-922X