
Poster / Presentation

Use of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tools for eco-health research: A case study on agricultural and human waste management in Hanam province, Vietnam

Tran Minh Hang, Nguyen Mai Huong, Pham Duc Phuc, Hung Nguyen-Viet, Dinh Xuan Tung, Tran Thi Tuyet Hanh and Le Thi Phuong Hong. 2014. Use of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tools for eco-health research: A case study on agricultural and human waste management in Hanam province, Vietnam. Poster presented at the 5th biennial conference of the International Association for Ecology and Health (EcoHealth 2014), Montreal, Canada, 11−15 August 2014.
Scientific Publication

Using participatory epidemiological techniques to estimate the relative incidence and impact on livelihoods of livestock diseases amongst nomadic pastoralists in Turkana South District, Kenya

Bett, B.; Jost, C.; Allport, R.; Mariner, J. 2009. Using participatory epidemiological techniques to estimate the relative incidence and impact on livelihoods of livestock diseases amongst nomadic pastoralists in Turkana South District, Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 90:194-203.
Scientific Publication

Determinants of anemia and iron status among pregnant women participating in the Mama SASHA Cohort Study of Vitamin A in Western Kenya: preliminary findings.

Kowalski, A.; Grant, F.; Okuku, H.; Wanjala, R.; Low, J.; Cole, D.; Levin, C.; Girard, A.W. 2014. Determinants of anemia and iron status among pregnant women participating in the Mama SASHA Cohort Study of Vitamin A in Western Kenya: preliminary findings. Abstract. The FASEB Journal. (USA). ISSN 0892-6638. 28(1):624.8.
Scientific Publication

Cash and in-kind transfers lead to excess weight gain in a population of women with a high prevalence of overweight in rural Mexico

Leroy, Jef et al., 'Cash and in-kind transfers lead to excess weight gain in a population of women with a high prevalence of overweight in rural Mexico', Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Annual Meeting, Washington DC, August 4-6, 2013, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2013
Assessment of the use of Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach by farmers to manage climate risk in Mali and Senegal
Scientific Publication

Assessment of the use of Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach by farmers to manage climate risk in Mali and Senegal

Dayamba DS, Ky-Dembele C, Bayala J, Dorward P, Clarkson G, Sanogo D, Mamadou LD, Traore I, Diakite A, Nenkam A, Binam JN, Ouedraogo M, Zougmore R. 2018. Assessment of the use of Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach by farmers to manage climate risk in Mali and Senegal. Climate Services.
The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19
Scientific Publication

The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19

Habermann, B., Crane, T.A., Gichuki, L., Worku, T., Mugumya, R., Maiyo, N., Kiptoo, E., Goshme, S., Mohammednur, F., Tugume, G., Satia, K.A. and Siamito, J.R. 2022. The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19. Frontiers in Sustainable Food System 5:768445.