
Participación de la mujer en las decisiones sobre el uso y la intensidad de siembra de variedades de arroz en Ecuador = Women´s participation in decisions about rice variety use and intensity in Ecuador
Scientific Publication

Participación de la mujer en las decisiones sobre el uso y la intensidad de siembra de variedades de arroz en Ecuador = Women´s participation in decisions about rice variety use and intensity in Ecuador

Marín Salazar, Diego; Andrade López, Robert Santiago; Labarta, Ricardo Antonio & Twyman, Jennifer. (2018). Participación de la mujer en las decisiones sobre el uso y la intensidad de siembra de variedades de arroz en Ecuador = Women´s participation in decisions about rice variety use and intensity in Ecuador. Cuestiones Económicas. Vol. 28, Número Especial: Economía y Género: 119-146 p.
Dairy value chains in East Africa: Why so few women?
Scientific Publication

Dairy value chains in East Africa: Why so few women?

Baltenweck, I., Omondi, I., Waithanji, E., Kinuthia, E. and Odhiambo, M. 2016. Dairy value chains in East Africa: Why so few women? IN: Pyburn, R. and Eerdewijk, A. van. 2016. A different kettle of fish? Gender integration in livestock and fish research. Volendam: LM Publishers:
Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du voandzou « Tiganikourou » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali

Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du voandzou « Tiganikourou » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali

Mbosso, C., Berthe Niang, A., Mohamadou, Y., Padulosi, S., Sidibe, A., & Meldrum G. (2018). Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du voandzou « Tiganikourou » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali. Rome (Italy): Bioversity International, 4 p.
Scientific Publication

The gender-differentiated impact of climate variability on production possibilities: Evidence from cereal production in Mali

Dillon, Andrew; Gill, Joshua, 'The gender-differentiated impact of climate variability on production possibilities: Evidence from cereal production in Mali', In Enhancing women’s assets to manage risk under climate change: Potential for group-based approaches. Ringler, Claudia; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Bryan, Elizabeth; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela, Eds. 2014. Pp. 33-35, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2014
Book / Monograph

Reducing the gender asset gap through agricultural development: A technical resource guide

Quisumbing, Agnes et al., 'Reducing the gender asset gap through agricultural development: A technical resource guide', Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC); CARE; Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA); HarvestPlus; Helen Keller International; KickStart International; Landesa; Land O’Lakes; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Bangladesh; India; South Asia; Uganda; Burkina Faso; Kenya; Tanzania; India; Mozambique; Washington, DC, 2014
African Chicken Genetic Gains: Common conceptual gender framework
Poster / Presentation

African Chicken Genetic Gains: Common conceptual gender framework

ILRI. 2017. African Chicken Genetic Gains: Common conceptual gender framework. Poster prepared for the 7th Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Meeting of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8–12 May 2017. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Unpacking impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture, food security and incomes in Northern Uganda: A gender standpoint. Stakeholder opinions from seven districts in Northern Uganda

Unpacking impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture, food security and incomes in Northern Uganda: A gender standpoint. Stakeholder opinions from seven districts in Northern Uganda

Bamanyaki P, Aogon G. 2020. Unpacking impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture, food security and incomes in Northern Uganda: A gender standpoint. Stakeholder opinions from seven districts in Northern Uganda. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).