
Livestock genomics for low-input systems
Poster / Presentation

Livestock genomics for low-input systems

Marshall, K. and Kemp, S. 2014. Livestock genomics for low-input systems. Poster prepared for the Tropentag 2014 Conference on Bridging the Gap between Increasing Knowledge and Decreasing Resources, Prague, 17-19 September 2014. Nairobi, Kenya. ILRI.
Sustainable animal production systems in Africa
Poster / Presentation

Sustainable animal production systems in Africa

Robinson, T.P., Pfeifer, C., Herrero, M., van Boeckel, T. and Gilbert, M. 2015. Sustainable animal production systems in Africa. Presented at the 61st International Congress of Meat Science & Technology, France, 23–28 August 2015. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Dataset / Tabular

Breed Survey - 2012

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying; Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, 'Breed Survey - 2012', 2016-07-29
Scientific Publication

Ecosystem services: opportunities and threats

McCartney, Matthew; Nyambe, I. A. 2017. Ecosystem services: opportunities and threats. In Lautze, Jonathan; Phiri, Z.; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Saruchera, D. (Eds.). 2017. Tha Zambizi River Basin: water and sustainable development. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.125-157. (Earthscan Series on Major River Basins of the World)
Book / Monograph

Investment in agricultural water management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of trends and opportunities: case studies report: Volume 1 - Highlights of findings of various components

IWMI. 2004. Investment in agricultural water management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of trends and opportunities: case studies report: Volume 1 ? Highlights of findings of various components. Draft final report of a Collaborative Program between New Partnership for Africa?s Development (NEPAD), Africa Development Bank (ADB), FAO, IFAD, IWMI and The World Bank. iii, 63p.
Scientific Publication

Impact of national water resource policy on irrigated paddy farmers' livelihood in Sri Lanka: case study in Lunuwewa under Mahaweli System H

Hearth, C. P.; Athauda, A. M. T. P.; Gichuki, Francis N. 2005. Impact of national water resource policy on irrigated paddy farmers' livelihood in Sri Lanka: case study in Lunuwewa under Mahaweli System H. In Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 5th Agricultural Research Symposium - Part 1, Wayamba University, Makandura, Sri Lanka, 27-28 September 2005. Makandura, Sri Lanka: Wayamba University. pp.137-140.
Scientific Publication

Investing in water management to improve productivity of rice-based farming systems in Cambodia

Johnston, Robyn; de Silva, Sanjiv; Try, Thuon. 2014. Investing in water management to improve productivity of rice-based farming systems in Cambodia. In Robins, L. (Ed.). A policy dialogue on rice futures: rice-based farming systems research in the Mekong region. proceedings of the A policy dialogue on rice futures: rice-based farming systems research in the Mekong region, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 7-9 May 2014. Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). pp.116-119. (ACIAR Proceedings No. 142)
Risk assessment in the pork meat chain in Nagaland, India
Poster / Presentation

Risk assessment in the pork meat chain in Nagaland, India

Fahrion, A., Richa, K., Jamir, L., Begum, S., Rutsa, V., Ao, S., Padmakumar, V. and Grace D. 2010. Risk assessment in the pork meat chain in Nagaland, India. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Nantes, France, 24-26 March 2010. UK: Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine.