
Scientific Publication

Lessons learned: Major findings and policy implications

Fan, Shenggen; White, Annie, 'Lessons learned: Major findings and policy implications', In Public expenditures, growth, and poverty in developing countries: Lessons from developing countries, ed. Shenggen Fan. Chapter 7. Pp. 225-240., Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2008
Scientific Publication

The changing politics of agronomy research

Sumberg, J.; Thompson, J.; Woodhouse, P. The changing politics of agronomy research. Outlook On Agriculture (2013) 42 (2) 81-83. (DOI: 10.5367/oa.2013.0122)
Training Material

Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Productive Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on Household Behaviour: Methodological guidelines for the From Protection to Production (PtoP) project

Asfaw, S.; Daidone, S.; Davis, B.; Dewbre, J.; Romeo, A.; Djebbari, H.; Winters, P.; Covarrubias, K. Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Productive Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on Household Behaviour: Methodological guidelines for the From Protection to Production (PtoP) project. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2012) 40 pp
Scientific Publication

Modelling to support land and water management: experiences from the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam

Hoanh, Chu Thai; Phong, N. D.; Trung, N. H.; Dung, L. C.; Hien, N. X.; Ngoc, N. V.; Tuong, T. P. 2012. Modelling to support land and water management: experiences from the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Water International, 37(4):408-426. (Special issue on "How hydrological models support informed decision making in developing countries" with contributions by IWMI authors).
Science inputs to the Global Commission on Adaptation

Science inputs to the Global Commission on Adaptation

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2020. Science inputs to the Global Commission on Adaptation. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2020. Policy.
Liquid waste service agreement between Tamale Metropolitan Assembly and private sanitation service providers is ensuring safely managed sanitation services for communities living in Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana

Liquid waste service agreement between Tamale Metropolitan Assembly and private sanitation service providers is ensuring safely managed sanitation services for communities living in Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2021. Liquid waste service agreement between Tamale Metropolitan Assembly and private sanitation service providers is ensuring safely managed sanitation services for communities living in Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana. Reported in Water, Land and Ecosystems Annual Report 2021. Policy.