
Scientific Publication

Social protection, agriculture and the PtoP project

Davis, B. Social protection, agriculture and the PtoP project. Presented at FAO. 'Workshop on the Protection to Production project',24-25 September 2013, Rome, Italy.. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2013) 30 pp
Scientific Publication

Social perspectives on the effective management of wastewater

Saad, D.; Byrne, D.; Drechsel, Pay. 2017. Social perspectives on the effective management of wastewater. In Farooq, R.; Ahmad, Z. (Eds.). Physico-chemical wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech. pp.253-267. doi: 10.5772/67312
Scientific Publication

Community-based water law and water resource management reform in developing countries: rationale, contents and key messages

van Koppen, Barbara; Giordano, Mark; Butterworth, J.; Mapedza, Everisto. 2007. Community-based water law and water resource management reform in developing countries: rationale, contents and key messages. In van Koppen, Barbara; Giordano, Mark; Butterworth, J. (Eds.). Community-based water law and water resource management reform in developing countries. Wallingford, UK: CABI. pp.1-11. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series 5)