
Scientific Publication

Biological control of cassava diseases using fluorescent pseudomonads

Lozano T., José Carlos; Laberry Saavedra, Rafael Alberto. 1993. Biological control of cassava diseases using fluorescent pseudomonads. In: Roca, William M.; Thro, Ann Marie (eds.). International Scientific Meeting Cassava Biotechnology Network (1, 1992, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). Proceedings. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 344-357. (Working document no. 123)
Scientific Publication

Overview: institutional arrangements for managing woodlands

Campbell, B.M., Shackleton, S., Wollenberg, E. 2003. Overview: institutional arrangements for managing woodlands . In: Kowero, G., Campbell, B.M., Sumaila, U.R. (eds.). Policies and governance structures in woodlands of Southern Africa. :9-15. Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR. ISBN: 979-3361-22-0..
Magazine or Press item

Rural telephony: Putting voice into the net

Escudero Pascual, Alberto, 'Rural telephony: Putting voice into the net', ICT Update, vol. 45, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2008
Scientific Publication

Agronomia Cerrados

Agronomia Cerrados. 1991. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Programa de Pastos Tropicales: Informe Anual 1990. CIAT, Cali, CO. p. 9-1-9-15. (Documento de trabajo no. 89)
AGG-Maize: Introduction of Project Goal and Primary Outcomes
Poster / Presentation

AGG-Maize: Introduction of Project Goal and Primary Outcomes

Beyene, Y. 2022. AGG-Maize: Introduction of Project Goal and Primary Outcomes. Accelerated Ge-netic Gain (AGG-Maize) Mid-Term Review and Planning Meeting, Nairobi, 25-28 July 2022. Mexico: CIMMYT.