
Scientific Publication

Gender, climate change, and group-based approaches to adaptation

Behrman, Julia A; Bryan, Elizabeth; Goh, Amelia, 'Gender, climate change, and group-based approaches to adaptation', In Enhancing women’s assets to manage risk under climate change: Potential for group-based approaches. Ringler, Claudia; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Bryan, Elizabeth; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela, Eds. 2014. Pp. 3-8, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2014
Book / Monograph

A System That Delivers: Integrating Gender into Agricultural Research, Development, and Extension

Meinzen-Dick Ruth Suseela et al., 'A System That Delivers: Integrating Gender into Agricultural Research, Development, and Extension', In Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap. Part V Toward a gender-sensitive agricultural research, development, and extension system, ed. Agnes R. Quisumbing, Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick, Terri L. Raney, André Croppenstedt, Julia A. Behrman, and Amber Peterman. Chapter 15. Pp. 373-391, IFPRI, 2014
Gender, livestock and livelihood indicators: An update
Poster / Presentation

Gender, livestock and livelihood indicators: An update

Njuki, J., Poole, J., Johnson, N., Baltenweck, I., Pali, P., Lokman, Z. and Mburu, S. 2015. Gender, livestock and livelihood indicators: An update. Presented at the Livestock and Fish Gender Initiative Meeting, Nairobi, 8-12 June 2015. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Gender activities in Maziwa Zaidi project 2015
Poster / Presentation

Gender activities in Maziwa Zaidi project 2015

Galie, A. 2015. Gender activities in Maziwa Zaidi project 2015. Presented at the Maziwa Zaidi Review and Planning Meeting, Tanzania, 23-25 September 2015. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

The dark side of competition: Gender differences

Chang, Simone; Kan, Kamhon; Zhang, Xiaobo, 'The dark side of competition: Gender differences', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2016
Dryland Systems Gender Component Communication
Poster / Presentation

Dryland Systems Gender Component Communication

Michael Devlin, Rajita Majumdar. (31/12/2014). Dryland Systems Gender Component Communication. Amman, Jordan: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative
Poster / Presentation

CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative

Thiele, G.; Polar, V.; Ashby, J.; Tufan, H. 2018. CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative. 16 p. CGIAR Gender and Breeding Initiative.