
Quesungual slash mulch agroforestry systems (QSMAS): improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub-humid tropics
Poster / Presentation

Quesungual slash mulch agroforestry systems (QSMAS): improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub-humid tropics

Castro, Alvaro; Rivera Peña, Mariela; Ferreira, O.; Pavon, Josepho; Valladares, D.; García, E.; Amézquita Collazos, Edgar; Ayarza, Miguel Angel; Barrios, Edmundo; Rondón, Marco Antonio; Welchez, L.A.; Rao, Idupulapati Madhusudana. 2007. Quesungual slash mulch agroforestry systems (QSMAS) : Improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub-humid tropics [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.
Climate impacts and resilience in Caribbean agriculture: assessing the consequences of climate change on cocoa and tomato production in Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica (CIRCA)
Poster / Presentation

Climate impacts and resilience in Caribbean agriculture: assessing the consequences of climate change on cocoa and tomato production in Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica (CIRCA)

Eitzinger, Anton; Carmona, Stephania; Argote, Karolina ; Laderach, Peter; Jarvis, Andy. 2015. Climate Impacts and Resilience in Caribbean Agriculture: Assessing the consequences of climate change on cocoa and tomato production in Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica (CIRCA). Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
Evidence and risk-based planning for a climate-smart agriculture
Poster / Presentation

Evidence and risk-based planning for a climate-smart agriculture

Ramirez-Villegas, Julian; Lamanna,Christine; van Wijk, Mark; Corner- Dolloff, Caitlin; Rosenstock, Todd; Girvetz, Evan. 2016. Evidence and risk-based planning for a climate-smart agriculture. Presentation. Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).
Dataset / Tabular

Unearthing unevenness of potato seed networks in the high Andes: a comparison of distinct cultivar groups and farmer types following seasons with and without acute stress

Arce, Alejandra; De Haan, Stef; Burra, Dharani; Ccanto, Raul, 2018, "Unearthing unevenness of potato seed networks in the high Andes: a comparison of distinct cultivar groups and farmer types following seasons with and without acute stress",, Harvard Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:AXIDtHDGV5YrLOEbDjwbPg== [fileUNF]
Scientific Publication

Site-level strategies for managing secondary forests

Sabogal, C. 2005. Site-level strategies for managing secondary forests . ITTO Technical Series No.23. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Restoring forest landscapes: an introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration. :91-100. Tokyo, Japan, ITTO. ISBN: 4-902045-23-0..
Scientific Publication

Clearing the way for reducing emissions from tropical deforestation

Skutsch, M, Bird, N., Trines, E., Dutschke, M., Frumhoff, P., de Jong, B.H.J., van Laake, P., Masera, O., Murdiyarso, D. 2007. Clearing the way for reducing emissions from tropical deforestation . Environmental Science and Policy 10 (4) :322û334. ISSN: 1462-9011.
Scientific Publication

Predicting the structure of turtle assemblages along a megatransect in West Africa

Luiselli, L., Akani, G.C., Ajong, S.N., George, A., Di Vittorio, M., Eniang, E.A., Dendi, D., Hema, E.M., Petrozzi, F. and Fa, J.E., 2020. Predicting the structure of turtle assemblages along a megatransect in West Africa. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130(2): 296-309.
Scientific Publication

Desentralisasi: persoalan, pelajaran dan refleksi

Capistrano, D., Colfer, C.J.P. 2006. Desentralisasi: persoalan, pelajaran dan refleksi . In: Colfer, C.J.P., Capistrano, D., eds.. Politik desentralisasi: hutan, kekuasaan dan rakyat. :367. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). ISBN: 979-24-4637-0..
Scientific Publication

Gender and Climate Change in Indonesia

Shea, G.A., Francisca, I., Andaryati, A. 2005. Gender and Climate Change in Indonesia In. Murdiyarso, D. and Herawati, H. (eds.). Carbon forestry: who will benefit? proceedings of Workshop on Carbon Sequestration and Sustainable Livelihoods, held in Bogor on 16-17 February 2005, 176-196. CIFOR. Bogor, Indonesia.
Towards Indonesian carbon market: Input from REDD+ projects

Towards Indonesian carbon market: Input from REDD+ projects

Nofyanza, S., Dwisatrio, B., Atmadja, S., Moeliono, M., Pham, T.T. 2023. Towards Indonesian carbon market: Input from REDD+ projects. CIFOR-ICRAF Infobrief 385. Bogor, Indonesia. CIFOR-ICRAF.