
Introducing I-CLEANED: Anticipating socially differentiated environmental concerns, footprints and opportunities to support sustainable and inclusive livestock interventions
Poster / Presentation

Introducing I-CLEANED: Anticipating socially differentiated environmental concerns, footprints and opportunities to support sustainable and inclusive livestock interventions

Notenbaert, A.; Mwema, E.; Gonzalez Quintero, R.; Isiaho, G.; Dao, H.; Van Der Hoek, R. (2024) Introducing I-CLEANED: Anticipating socially differentiated environmental concerns, footprints and opportunities to support sustainable and inclusive livestock interventions.Presented at Tropentag: Explore opportunities... for managing natural resources and a better life for all, on 11-13 September 2024 in Vienna (Austria). 19 sl.
Magazine or Press item

Financial Access (FACS) and The Alliance of Bioversity International – CIAT are working together to advance financial inclusion for smallholder farmers in Africa

Financial Access (FACS).; Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture. (2023) Financial Access (FACS) and The Alliance of Bioversity International – CIAT are working together to advance financial inclusion for smallholder farmers in Africa. [Blog post] Financial Access. Published online 24 January 2023. URL:
Wasps-Predators of Heliothis on Pigeonpea
Scientific Publication

Wasps-Predators of Heliothis on Pigeonpea

Pawar, C S and Jadhav, D R (1984) Wasps-Predators of Heliothis on Pigeonpea. International Pigeonpea Newsletter, 12. pp. 65-66. ISSN 0255-786X
Scientific Publication

Task shifting from doctors to non-doctors for initiation and maintenance of antiretroviral therapy

Kredo, T.; Adeniyi, F.B.; Bateganya, M.; Pienaar, E.D. Task shifting from doctors to non-doctors for initiation and maintenance of antiretroviral therapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2014) (Issue 7) Art. No.: CD007331. (DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007331.pub3) Kredo, T; McCaul, M; Volmink, J. South African Medical Journal 2015;105(8):626-627. DOI:10.7196/SAMJnew.8271
Scientific Publication

Inter-observer agreement according to malaria parasite density

Billo, M.A.; Diakité, M.; Dolo, A.; Diallo, M.; Poudiougou, B.; Diawara, S.I.; Johnson, E.S.; Rice, J.C.; Krogstad, D.J.; Doumbo, O.K. Inter-observer agreement according to malaria parasite density. Malaria Journal (2013) 12: 335. (DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-12-335)