
CIMMYT Eastern Africa early- to intermediate maturity maize breeding pipelines (EA-PP1)
Poster / Presentation

CIMMYT Eastern Africa early- to intermediate maturity maize breeding pipelines (EA-PP1)

Beyene, Y., Chavangi, A., Ariel, I., Gichobi, P., Gowda, M., Mahabaleswara, S.L., Chaikam, V., Bruce, A.Y., Tadesse, B., Chivasa, W., Das Aparna, Burgueño, J., Crossa, J., & Prasanna, B.M. (2023). CIMMYT Eastern Africa early- to intermediate maturity maize breeding pipelines (EA-PP1). CIMMYT.
Sistema e-Agrology AgriLAC
Poster / Presentation

Sistema e-Agrology AgriLAC

Nuñez Jimenez, D. (2023). Sistema e-Agrology AgriLAC. CIMMYT.
Fish and fish-based products in Timor-Leste’s School Meal Program: Understanding existing use, challenges, opportunities and research needs

Fish and fish-based products in Timor-Leste’s School Meal Program: Understanding existing use, challenges, opportunities and research needs

Bonis-Profumo G, Hunnam K, Duarte A, Pinto A, Das Dores Faria Simões N, Martins J, Monteiro M, Deolinda Marques E, da Cunha Barreto C, de Sousa A, Soares Z, Hayashi T, Saha S, Klumpyan K, Soriano A, Pant J and Eriksson H. 2023. Fish and fish-based products in Timor-Leste’s School Meal Program: Understanding existing use, challenges, opportunities and research needs. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Brief.
Committee on World Food Security Policy Recommendations on agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition.

Committee on World Food Security Policy Recommendations on agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition.

CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. 2021. Committee on World Food Security Policy Recommendations on agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition. Reported in Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Annual Report 2021. Policy.