
Scientific Publication

Intersubjectivity : towards a dialogical analysis

Gillespie, A.; Cornish, F. Intersubjectivity: Towards a Dialogical Analysis. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (2010) 40 (1) 19-46. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5914.2009.00419.x)
Multiple domestications and their taxonomic consequences: the example of Phaseolus vulgaris
Scientific Publication

Multiple domestications and their taxonomic consequences: the example of Phaseolus vulgaris

Pickersgill, Barbara; Chacón Sánchez, María Isabel; Debouck, Daniel G. 2003. Multiple domestications and their taxonomic consequences : The example of Phaseolus vulgaris. In: Knüpffer, H.; Ochsmann, J. (eds.). Rudolf Mansfeld and plant genetic resources: Proceedings of a symposium dedicated to the 100th birthday of Rudolf Mansfeld. Gatersleben, Germany, 8-9 October 2001. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, DE. p. 71-83. (Schriften Genet. Ressourcen 18)
Magazine or Press item

Cotton pests

CTA. 1990. Cotton pests. Spore 27. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Cutting back mosaic virus

CTA. 2000. Cutting back mosaic virus. Spore 88. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

CIMMYT Inauguration

Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), 'CIMMYT Inauguration', CIMMYT, 1971
Smarter policies for enhanced food security and food system outcomes
Scientific Publication

Smarter policies for enhanced food security and food system outcomes

McDermott, John; and Allison-Reumann, Laura. 2022. Smarter policies for enhanced food security and food system outcomes. In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Four: Policy Responses and Implications, Chapter 26, Pp. 146-161.
Scientific Publication

Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms

Hidrobo, Melissa; Mueller, Valerie; and Roy, Shalini. 2022. Cash transfers, migration, and gender norms. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104(2): 550-568.
Financial services in refugee hosting areas: Can they promote inclusion? Lessons from the SHARPE project in Ethiopia

Financial services in refugee hosting areas: Can they promote inclusion? Lessons from the SHARPE project in Ethiopia

de Brauw, Alan; Roy, Shalini; and Tefera, Mulugeta. 2022. Financial services in refugee hosting areas: Can they promote inclusion? Lessons from the SHARPE project in Ethiopia. CEDIL Evidence Brief 4. London, England; and Washington, DC. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL); and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).