
Whole farm greenhouse gas emissions and trade-offs across smallholder livestock systems
Poster / Presentation

Whole farm greenhouse gas emissions and trade-offs across smallholder livestock systems

Paul, B., Groot, J.C.J, Birnholz, C., Nzogela, B., Notenbaert, A.M.O., Woyessa, K., Sommer, R., Nijbroek, R., Tittonell. P.A (2018) Whole farm greenhouse gas emissions and trade-offs across smallholder livestock systems. In: International Conference on Agricultural GHG Emissions and Food Security –Connecting research to policy and practice; 10-13 September 2018, Berlin, DE. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). 1p.
Scientific Publication

Devolution and Indonesia's new forestry law

Wollenberg, E., Kartodihardjo, H. 2002. Devolution and Indonesia's new forestry law . In: Colfer, C.J.P., Resosudarmo, I.A.P. (eds.). Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia. :81-109. Washington, DC, Resources for the Future, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS).
Book / Monograph

Le bois à l'ordre du jour: exploitation artisanale de bois d'oeuvre en RD Congo: secteur porteur d'espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises

Benneker, C., Assumani, D.-M., Maindo, A., Bola, F., Kimbuani, G., Lescuyer, G., Esuka, J.-C., Kasongo, E., Begaa, S. . 2012. Le bois à l'ordre du jour : exploitation artisanale de bois d'oeuvre en RD Congo: secteur porteur d'espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises. Wageningen, Netherlands: Tropenbos International.
Report / Annual

CIMMYT 1982 Annual report

Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), 'CIMMYT 1982 Annual report', CIMMYT, 1983
Papas nativas.

Papas nativas.

International Potato Center. 2017. Papas nativas. Lima (Peru). CIP. 2 p.
Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: ‘NASPOT 12 O’ and ‘NASPOT 13 O’ Sweetpotato

Mwanga, Robert; Kyalo, Gerald; Ssemakula, Gorrettie; Niringiye, Charles; Yada, Benard; Otema, Milton; Namakula, Joweria; Alajo, Agnes; Kigozi, Benjamin; Makumbi, Rose; Ball, Anna-Marie; Gruneberg, Wolfgang; Low, Jan; Yencho, Craig, 2016, "Replication Data for: ‘NASPOT 12 O’ and ‘NASPOT 13 O’ Sweetpotato",, International Potato Center, V1