
Capacity to innovate from a system CGIAR research program perspective

Capacity to innovate from a system CGIAR research program perspective

Leeuwis, C., Schut, M., Waters-Bayer, A., Mur, R., Atta-Krah, K. & Douthwaite, B. (2014). Capacity to innovate from a system CGIAR research program perspective. AAS Program Brief: AAS-2014-29. Penang: Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems
Scientific Publication

Evaluation methods for drought tolerance of cowpeas

Watanabe, I., Hakoyama, S., Terao, T. & Singh, B.B. (1997). Evaluation methods for drought tolerance of cowpea. In B.B. Singh, D.R. Mohan Raj, K.E. Dashiell and L.E.N. Jackai, Advances in cowpea research. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA, (p.141-146).
IITA R4D Review
Book / Monograph

IITA R4D Review

Vanlauwe, B. & Lopez, K. (Eds). (2012). R4D Review. Issue No.9. (p. 72). Ibadan: IITA.
Scientific Publication

Feeding and economic value of cassava starch by-products to growing fattening pigs

Mhone, M.S., Mhone, T.A., Gondwe, T.N., Safalaoh, A., Mhone, A., Mahungu, N.M. & Sandifolo, V. (2010). Feeding and economic value of cassava starch by-products to growing fattening pigs. In: Proceedings of 10th ISTRC-AB symposium in Mozambique: root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development, (p. 426-436), 8-12 October, Maputo.
Scientific Publication

Food quality attributes of Pona yam

Otegbayo, B., Achidi, A., Asiedu, R. & Bokanga, M. (2003). Food quality attributes of Pona yam. In Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), Ibadan, Nigeria, 12-16 November 2001 (p. 119-122).
Scientific Publication

Cowpea and groundnut seed production practices

Ousmane, B. & Ajeigbe, H. (2009). Cowpea and groundnut seed production practices. In: Legume and cereal seed production for improved crop yields in Nigeria: proceedings of the training workshop on production of legume and cereal seeds, (p. 7-10), 24 January - 10 February, 2008, Kano.
Book / Monograph

Using IBSNATs DSST in strategy evaluation

Godwin, D.C., Thornton, P., Jones, J.W., Singh, U., Jagtab, S. & Ritchie, J.T. (1991). Using IBSNAT's DSST in strategy evaluation. In: decision support system for agrotechnology transfer. Proceedings, IBSNAT Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada: IBSNAT, (p. 59-71).
Scientific Publication

Response of Imperata cylindrica to smothering by different Mucuna accessions

Ekeleme, F. & Chikoye, D. (2000). Response of Imperata cylindrica to smothering by different Mucuna accessions, in: Cover crops for natural resource management in West Africa: Proceedings of a workshop organized by IITA and CIEPCA, Cotonou, Benin, 26-29 October 1999. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA, (p. 62-70).
Scientific Publication

A two steps sampling model to access OIE status of 'List A bovine disease free zone' in areas where few data are available on bovine population and herd size

Jean-Baptiste, S.; Sanaa, M.; Bonnet, P. 2003. A two steps sampling model to access OIE status of 'List A bovine disease free zone' in areas where few data are available on bovine population and herd size. IN: ISVEE 10: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vina del Mar, Chile, Animal disease & international trade session. p. 136. Vina del Mar (Chile): International Symposia for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE).