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CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2017. A new global data set on farm size distribution by country. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2017. Innovations.
CGIAR Research Program on Maize. 2019. Spatial farm typology to assess suitability of conservation agriculture (CA) in Zambia. Reported in Maize Annual Report 2019. Innovations.
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2020. Using the Science-Policy Interface Platform of UNCCD to translate current WLE science into policy options to demand driven outputs and accelerate adoption of policy solutions. Reported in Water, Land and Ecosystems Annual Report 2020. Innovations.
CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2021. RW-CB186: A new iron biofortified beans variety released in Rwanda. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2021. Innovations.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2017. CSA Country Profiles. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2017. Innovations.
CGIAR Research Program on Wheat. 2020. Evaluation of the adaptation of the germplasm developed by the program. Reported in Wheat Annual Report 2020. MELIA.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2019. Institutional capacity in Honduras is strengthened to address climate change and variability challenges by using CCAFS-CIAT science.. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Ballukraya, P. N.; Sakthivadivel, R. 2002. Over-exploitation and artificial recharging of hard rock aquifers of South India: issues and options. IWMI-TATA Water Policy Research Program Annual Partners' Meet, 2002. Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India: IWMI-TATA Water Policy Research Program. 14p.
IWMI, 'Eight-day maximum flood inundation extent for South Asia using MODIS time-series imagery (MOD09A12008153.tif)', International Water Management Institute, 2013
IWMI, 'Eight-day maximum flood inundation extent for South Asia using MODIS time-series imagery (MOD09A12003145.tif)', International Water Management Institute, 2013