
Scientific Publication

Total soluble protein extraction for improved proteomic analysis of transgenic rice plant roots

Raorane, M. L; Narciso, J. O; Kohli, A, 'Total soluble protein extraction for improved proteomic analysis of transgenic rice plant roots', vol. volume 1385; pages 139-147, ill. Ref, In: Recombinant proteins from plants : methods and protocols, ed. by J. MacDonald, I. Kolotilin, and R. Manessa, New York : Secaucus : Humana Press Springer (Distributor), 2016
Scientific Publication

Water user associations in northern Ghana: from institutional panacea to reality check

Acheampong, Ernest Nti; Venot, Jean-Philippe. 2010. Water user associations in northern Ghana: from institutional panacea to reality check. Paper presented at the ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) Annual Seminar, Closing the Knowledge Gap: Integrated Water Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2226 November 2010. 9p.
Scientific Publication

Environment flows: moving from concepts to application, a case study from India

Bharati, Luna; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Anand, B. K. 2009. Environment flows: moving from concepts to application, a case study from India. Paper presented at the International Environmental Water Allocation Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 23-26 February 2009. 25p.
Scientific Publication

Mapping basin level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran

Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din; Islam, Aminul; Masih, Ilyas; Muthuwatta, Lal; Karimi, Poolad; Turral, Hugh. 2008. Mapping basin level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran. Paper presented at the 13th IWRA World Water Congress on Global Changes and Water Resources, "Confronting the expanding and diversifying pressures", Montpellier, France, 1-4 September 2008. 13p.

Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology

Biggs, Trent; Gaur, Anju; Scott, C.; Thenkabail, Prasad; Gangadhara Rao, Parthasaradhi; Gumma, Murali Krishna; Acharya, Sreedhar; Turral, Hugh. 2007. Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 38p. (IWMI Research Report 111) doi:
Scientific Publication

New experiments in agriculture

Voors, M; Demont, M; Bulte, E, 'New experiments in agriculture', vol. volume 11, no. 1; pages 1-7. ill. Ref, African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2016
IWMI Annual report 2020

IWMI Annual report 2020

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2021. IWMI Annual report 2020. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 62p. [doi:]
Scaling solar-based irrigation in Ghana’s Upper East Region: a demand-supply linkage approach

Scaling solar-based irrigation in Ghana’s Upper East Region: a demand-supply linkage approach

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2023. Scaling solar-based irrigation in Ghana’s Upper East Region: a demand-supply linkage approach. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 8p. (IWMI Water Issue Brief 22) [doi:]
Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide

Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide

Matchaya, Greenwell; Yade, M.; Guthiga, P.; Tefera, W.; Yamdjeu, A. W. 2021. Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide. Pretoria, South Africa: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Southern Africa (ReSAKSS-ESA); Kigali, Rwanda: AKADEMIYA2063. 12p. (2021 Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review Brief)
Scientific Publication

Ten new insights in climate science 2022

Martin, M. A.; Boakye, E. A.; Boyd, E.; Broadgate, W.; Bustamante, M.; Canadell, J. G.; Carr, E. R.; Chu, E. K.; Cleugh, H.; Csevar, S.; Daoudy, M.; de Bremond, A.; Dhimal, M.; Ebi, K. L.; Edwards, C.; Fuss, S.; Girardin, M. P.; Glavovic, B.; Hebden, S.; Hirota, M.; Hsu, H.-H.; Huq, S.; Ingold, K.; Johannessen, O. M.; Kameyama, Y.; Kumarasinghe, N.; Langendijk, G. S.; Lissner, T.; Lwasa, S.; Machalaba, C.; Maltais, A.; Mathai, M. V.; Mbow, C.; McNamara, K. E.; Mukherji, Aditi; Murray, V.; Mysiak, J.; Okereke, C.; Ospina, D.; Otto, F.; Prakash, A.; Pulhin, J. M.; Raju, E.; Redman, A.; Rigaud, K. K.; Rockstrom, J.; Roy, J.; Schipper, E. L. F.; Schlosser, P.; Schulz, K. A.; Schumacher, K.; Schwarz, L.; Scown, M.; Sedova, B.; Siddiqui, T. A.; Singh, C.; Sioen, G. B.; Stammer, D.; Steinert, N. J.; Suk, S.; Sutton, R.; Thalheimer, L.; van Aalst, M.; van der Geest, K.; Zhao, Z. J. 2022. Ten new insights in climate science 2022. Global Sustainability, 5(e20):1-20. [doi:]